Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


7/10/2010 English A 5001

English (for B.Sc. Only) - 5061

Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) I 5064

Physics (Mechanics, Properties of Matter Kinetic Theory and Relativity) I 5062

Zoology Life and Dversity of Animals (Invertebrats)(Protozoa to

Helminthes) and Cell Biology

I 5069

Botany (Diversity of Microbes and Crtoptigams) I 5067

Mathematics (Agebra & Trigonometry) BM-101 5083

Anthropology (Physical Anthropology) I 5075

Electronics I 5073

Computer Science (Computer Fundamental & Programming in C) I 5077

Fundamental of Information Technology I 5081

Geology (General and Physical Geology) I 5071

Computer Application(Computer Fundamental & Introduction to IBMPC) CA-I 5055

Tourism Business TTM-I 5053

Functional English (Phonetics) I 5042

Home Sc. (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) I 5032

Sanskrit )Compulsory - 5006

Hindi )Compulsory - 5004

Additional English - 5003

Public Administration - 5017

Geography - 5022

Philosophy opt.

i) Outline of Philosophy (Indian & Western)

ii) Epistemology & Metaphysics (Indian &





Music (Inst.) - 5026

Marketing - 5041

Marketing Communication ASM-I 5057

Functional Hindi (Raj Bhasha Niti Avam Hindi Sanrachna) I 5044

History of Art - 5031

History Opt. i) History of India from earliest time to

AD 1526

- 5012

ii) History of Haryana - 5013

Ancient & Indian History Culture & Archaeology - 5028

Math-I(Algebra & Trigonometry) BM-101 5034

Music (V) 5025

Type-writing Theory English / Hindi OMSP-1 5150

Economics - 5016

Statistics (Descreptive Statistics) I 5037


Theory date sheet for B.A. /B.Sc. Part-I Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f. 7.10.2010

9/10/2010 English B 5002

Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) II 5065

Physics (Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Theory and

Electronics Devices

II 5063

Zoology Life and Dversity of Animals (Invertebrats)(Annelid to

Hemichordate) & Genetics

II 5070

Botany (Cell Biology and Genetics) II 5068

Mathematics (Calculus and Orinary Differential Equation) BM-102 5084

Electronics II 5074

Geology (Crystallography and Mineralogy) II 5072

Computer Architecture & Networking II 5078

C Programming Language II 5082

Anthropology (Pre Historic Archaeology) II 5076

Operating System & Business Data Processing C-II 5056

Toursim Product TTM-II 5054

Functional Hindi (Anuvad Sidhant Avam Vyavhar Prakash II 5045

Home Sc. (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) II 5033

Punjabi ) - 5009

Hindi ) - 5005

Sanskrit ) Elective - 5007

Urdu ) - 5011

English (Remedial Grammer) II 5043

Psychology (Experimental Psychology) - 5023

Insurance II 5040

Pol. Sc. : Opt. i) Political Theory - 5014

ii) Political Theory Concepts - 5015

Math-II (Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equation) BM-102 5035

Defence Studies - 5021

Applied Art - 5030

Commerce (Elements of Commerce) - 5039

Statistics(Probability Theory) II 5038

Short-Hand Theory OMSP-II 5153

Advertising ASM-II 5058

Indian Classical Dance - 5027

Sociology - 5020

Art (History & Appreciation of Art)- - 5029

Health & Physical Education - 5024

12/10/2010 Math III(Victor Analysis & Geometry) BM-103 5036

Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) III 5066

Mathematics (Vector Analysis and Geometry) BM-103 5085





Controller of Examinations

Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied

the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the


The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Practical and Written examination of Environment Studies for re-appar students will be

conducted by the college Principal. There shall, however, be no separate theory paper.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


8/10/2010 English A 7001

Botany (Diversity of Seeds Plants & Their System) I 7081

Industrial Chemistry I 7072

Hindi ) - 7038

Sanskrit ) 7040

Punjabi ) Compulsory for BA - 7004

Urdu ) - 7006

Additioinal English ) - 7003

Hindi ) 7075

Sanskrit ) Compulsory for B Sc 7074

Punjabi ) . 7088-X

Psychology Opt.i) Social Psychology - 7023

ii) Development Psychology - 7024

Data Base Mgt. System CA-III 7280

Tourism Marketing TTM-III 7282

Insurance (Law & Practice of Insurance) - 7050

Functional Hindi I 7052

History of Art - 7030

Economics - 7013

Physics (Computer Prog. Thermodynamics & Stat. Physics) I 7076

Zoology (Life & Diversity of Chordates) I 7083

Math-I (Advance Calculus) BM-201 7031

Math-I (For B.Sc. only) (Advance Calculus) BM-201 7067

Music (V) - 7025

Anthropology (PalaeoaAnthropology) I 7047

Physical Geography - 7020

Physical Geography (For B.Sc. only) - 7063

Home Science (Clothing & Textile) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) I 7036

Philosophy Opt. i) Logic (Indian & Western) - 7015

ii) Logic & Method (Indian & Western) - 7016

Functional English(A writing Skill & Introducing to Broadcast Media) A 7054

Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) I 7078

Marketing (Salesmanship & Agriculture Marketing) - 7049

Electronics I 7065

Data & File Structure (Computer Sc.) I 7085

Object Oriented Programming Using C++ (I.T.) I 7087

Geology(Petrology & Optical Mineralogy) I 7042

Political Sc. Opt. i) Indian Govt. & Politics - 7011

ii) International Relations - 7012

Statistics- (Stat. Math.) 201 7034

StatisticsI (Stat. Math.) (For B.Sc. only) 201 7070

Office Practice-I OMSP-III 7286

Advertising-II ASM-III 7284

Music (Inst.) - 7026


Theory date sheet for B.A. / B. Sc. Part-II Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f. 8.10.2010

10/10/2010 English B 7002

Botany(Structure Dev. & Re-Production in Flowing Plants) II 7082

Industrial Chemistry II 7073

Functional Hindi (Nirvachan & Press Vigpati) II 7053

History Opt. i) History of India from AD 1526 to 1857 - 7009

ii) History of India from 1857-1950 7010

Physics (Waves & Optics) II 7077

Public Administration (Indian Administration) - 7014

Travel Agency & Tour Operator Business TTM-IV 7283

Zoology (Mammalian Physiology) II 7084

Anthropology (Social Anthropology) II 7048

Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) II 7079

Home Sc. (Physiology) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) II 7037

Functional English (Conversational English) II 7055

Math -II (Differential Equation & Cut Variations) BM 202 7032

Math-II (For B.Sc. only) (Differential Equation & Cal. Variations) BM-202 7068

Hindi ) - 7039

Punjabi ) Elective - 7005

Urdu ) - 7007

Sanskrit ) - 7041

Applied Art - 7046

Commerce (Basic of Accounting - 7051

Defence Studies Opt. i) World Military History 7017

ii) Study on War 7018

Structure Prog. & Computer Graphics CA-IV 7281

Electrnics II 7066

Object Oriented Design & C++ (Computer Sc.) II 7086

Computer Networking & Internet Programmig (IT) II 7088

Geology (Paleontology) II 7043

Sociology (Research Methodology) - 7019

Statistics-II(Sample Survey & Design of Exp.) 202 7035

Statistics-II(Sample Survey & Design of Exp.) (for B.Sc.only) 202 7071

Typewriting & Shorthand Theory OMSP_IV 7287

Personal Selling & Salesmanship ASM-IV 7285

Health & Physical Education 7022

Art (History & Appreciation of Art) 7029

13/10/2010 Math-III (Mechanics) BM-203 7033

Math-III (For B.Sc. only) (Mechanics) BM-203 7069

Chemistry(Organic Chemistry) III 7080




Controller of Examinations

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the


The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


01/10/10 English A 9001

03/10/10 English B 9002

04/10/10 1-Psychology Opt. i) Psycho Pathology - 9025

ii) Applied Psychology - 9026

2-Insurance(Acturial Science) - 9042

3-Prayojan Mulak Hindi V 9081

4-Botany (Plant Physiology, Bio-Chemistry & Bio-Tech.) I 9054

5-Industrial Chemistry I 9066

6-Physics-I (Solid State Physics Automic, Molecular & Laser Physics) I 9049

7-History of Art - 9031

05/10/10 Public Admn. Opt. i) Development Admn. - 9016

ii) Local Govt. & Admn. In India - 9017

06/10/10 1-Zoology (Aqua Culture & Post Management) I 9056

2-Health & Physical Education - 9078

3-Office Practice-II OMSP-V 9108

4-Mgt. of Sales Forces ASM-V 9047

07/10/10 Emerging Concept for Effective Tourism Development TTM-V 9044

08/10/10 1-Statistics-I (Applied Statistics) 301 9039

2-Statistics-I (Applied Statistics) (for B.Sc. only) 301 9105

09/10/10 1-Home Sc. (Food & Nutrition) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) I 9033

2-Functional English-A (Comm. English Broadcasting Radio & TV) I 9079

3-Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) I 9051

10/10/10 Music (V) - 9027

11/10/10 1-Political Sc. Opt. i) Comparative Govt. & Politics - 9013

ii) Public Admn. - 9014

2-Indian Classical Dance (Kathak) - 9029

3-Statistics-II (Computational Techniques) 302 9040

4-Statistics-II (Computational Techniques) (for B.Sc. only) 302 9106

5-Stenograph Theory OMPS-VI 9100

6-Zoology (Ecology Evolution & Dev. Biology) II 9057

7-Sales Promotion & Public Relations ASM-VI 9048

12/10/10 Defence Studies Opt. i) National Defence & Space Security - 9023

ii) International Relations - 9024

13/10/10 1-Prayojan Mulak Hindi VI 9082

2-Botany (Ecology & Utilization of Plants) II 9055

3-Industrial Chemistry (Polymer Sc.) II 9067

4-Industrial Chemistry (Pharmaceutical) II 9068

5-Physics-II (Quantum Mechanics & Nuclear Physics) II 9050

6-History Opt. i) Ancient & Medieval World - 9011

ii) Modern World - 9012

14/10/10 1-Math-I (Analysis) BM-301 9036

2-Math-I (Analysis) (for B.Sc. only) BM-301 9102

15/10/10 1- Hindi ) - 9004

2-Sanskrit ) Compulsory (for B.A.) - 9006

3- Additional English - 9003


Theory date sheet for B.A. / B. Sc. Part-III Supple. Examination commencing w.e.f. 01.10.2010

16/10/10 1-Math-II (Abstract Algebra) BM-302-A 9037

2-Math-II (Abstract Algebra) (For B.Sc. only) BM-302-A 9103

18/10/10 1-Hindi ) - 9005

2-Sanskrit ) Elective - 9007

3-Punjabi ) - 9009

4-Urdu ) - 9010

5-Applied Art (Commercial Art & Designing & Painting) - 9032

6-Commerce (Principles of Mgt.) - 9043

7-Electronics I 9060

8-Computer sc. (Data Base Mgt. System Oracle & Visual Basic) I 9062

9-Geology (Structural Geology & Stratingraphy) I 9058

10-Information Technology (Prog. in Visual Basic & Oracle) I 9069

19/10/10 1-Geography (Human Geography & Resources Environment) I 9035

2-Home Sc.(Child Psy. & Mother Craft) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30. p.m.) II 9034

3-Philosophy Opt. i) Ethics & Social Philosophy (Indian & Western) - 9018

ii) Ethics & Pol. Philosophy(Indian & Western) - 9019

4-Functional English (Business Communication Writing Skill) II 9080

5-Marketing - 9041

6-Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) II 9052

20/10/10 1-Electronics II 9061

2-Computer Sc. (Software Engg.) II 9063

3-Geology (Eco. Geology, Indian Mineral & Environmental Geology) II 9059

4-Information Technology (Linux Operating System) II 9070

5-Economics(Dev. & Environmental Economics & International Trade) - 9015

21/10/10 1-Math-III (Programming in C & Numerical Analysis) BM-303-A 9038

2-Math-III (Programming in C & Numerical Analysis) (For B.Sc. only) BM-303-A 9104

22/10/10 1-Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) III 9053

2-Sociology Opt. i) Indian Society - 9020

ii) Social Problems - 9021

iii) Population & Society - 9022

3-Information Communication & Automation TTM-VI 9045

4-Art (History & Appreciation of Art (Common with Clay Modeling) - 9030

23/10/10 1-Computer Aided Drafting & Advanced Topics in Computer (BA/B


CA-V 9046

2-Music (Inst.) - 9028



3- Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the


The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


12.10.2010 Indian Tax System & IncomeTax TPP-I 6014

Marketing Communication ASM-I 6049

Tourism Business TTM-I 6045

Computer Fundamental & Introduction to IBMPC-I CA-I 6047

Typewriting Theory OMSP-I 6043

Central and State Sales (Tax Procedure & Practice) TPP-II 6015

Operating System & Business Data Processing CA-II 6048

Tourism Product TTM-II 6046

Advertising ASM-II 6050

Short-Hand Theory OMSP-II 6044

Business Communications I 6001

Business Mathematics II 6002

Financial Accounting III 6003

Business Economics IV 6004

Business Management V 6005

Basic of Computer VI 6006

Communication Skill & Business Terminology - 6013





Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations


Theory date sheet for B..Com . Part-I Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f. 12.10.2010

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after

the examination.

The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Practical and Written examination of Environment Studies for re-appar students will

be conducted by the college Principal. There shall, however, be no separate theory

paper.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


15.10.2010 Direct Tax-I Procedure & Practice TPP-III 7098

Data Base Mgt. System CA-III 7100

Tourism Marketing TTM-III 7102

Advertising-II ASM-III 7104

Office Practice-I OMSP-III 7106

Direct Tax-II Procedure & Practice TPP-IV 7099

Structure Programming & Computer Graphics CA-IV 7101

Personal Selling & Salesmanship ASM-IV 7105

Type-Writing & Short-Hand Theory OMSP-IV 7107

Travel Agency Tour Operation Business TTM-IV 7103

Business Regulatory Frame Work I 7089

Corporate Accounting II 7090

Company Law Auditing III 7091

Business Statistics IV 7092

Principles of Marketing V 7093

Application of Information Tech. in Business VI(a) 7094

Indian Financial System VI(b) 7095

Fundamental of Insurance VI(c) 7096

Human Resource Mgt. VI(d) 7097



3- Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations


Theory date sheet for B..Com . Part-II Supplementary Examination commencing

w.e.f. 15.10.2010

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they

have been supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall

not be entertained after the examination.

The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre atTime of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


01-10-2010 1-Emerging Concept for Effective Tourism Development TTM-V 9083

2-Computer Added Drafting & Advanced Topics in Computer CA-V 9095

3-Mgt. of Sales Forces ASM-V 9096

4- Indirect Tax-I Procedure & Practice TPP-V 9097

5-Office Practice-II OMSP-V 9099

03-10-2010 1-Information Communication & Automation TTM-VI 9084

2-Indirect Tax-II Procedure & Practice TPP-VI 9098

3-Stenography Theory OMSP-VI 9100

4-Sales Promotion & Public Relations ASM-VI 9107

04-10-2010 Investment Mgt. V&VI(iii) 9091

05-10-2010 Advertising & Sales Mgmt. V&VI(v) 99009930-X

6-10-2010 Indirect Taxes V&VI(iv) 9092

07-10-2010 Essential E-Commerce V & VI(vi) 9094

08-10-2010 Financial Marketing Operational V&VI(i) 9089

09-10-2010 International Marketing V&VI(ii) 9090

11-10-2010 Income Tax I 9085

12-10-2010 Cost Accounting II 9086

13-10-2010 Management Accounting & Financial Mgt. III 9087

14-10-2010 Business Environment IV 9088



3- Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations


Theory date sheet for B..Com . Part-III Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f.


Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained

after the examination.

The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

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