Thursday, September 30, 2010


IIT JEE Notification



For admission to undergraduate courses at all IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad

Examination Schedule: April 10, 2011 :

Paper 1 : 09.00 – 12.00 hrs (Sunday)

Paper 2 : 14.00 – 17.00 hrs

Paper 1 and Paper 2 each will have separate sections in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Both papers will be of objective type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.

Syllabus for this examination will be available on the websites of all IITs.

The candidate can submit the application form either On-line or Off-line.

Important dates regarding Application Form and Brochure:

On-line application process : Mon. Nov. 01, 2010-Wed. Dec. 15, 2010 Sale of

Off-line Applications : Fri. Nov. 12, 2010-

Wed. Dec. 15, 2010 Last date for receipt of duly completed application forms (Off-line or printed copy of On-line) at IITs: Mon. Dec. 20, 2010. Details regarding the application process will be published in leading National Dailies and Employment News/Rozgar Samachar on Sat. Oct. 30, 2010.

new date sheet of haryana education board condect from 14/10/2010


NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Middle (Academic/Open School) First Semester Examination

October- 2010. (For Re-Appear Candidates)

Date of Commencement of Exam.:- 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 2-30 PM to 5-00 PM

Evening Session

Time 2-30 PM to 5-00 PM

1st Semester(Academic/Open)

Date Day Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday English

16-10-2010 Saturday Hindi

19-10-2010 Tuesday Mathematics

21-10-2010 Thursday Social Science

25-10-2010 Monday Science

27-10-2010 Wednesday Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi


1. (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis,

an extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2. Calculators (Simple/Scientific) & Mobile Phones are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

3. Private/Open School Candidates are advised to contact the centre Supdt. of their Exam. Centre to note the

date, time and place of their practical Examination.

4. In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664-244171

to 244176 (Ext. Middle (Open) 387, Middle (Academic) 154, Conduct Branch 161 & 175 ), Fax No.




DATE: 27.09.2010


E Mail :


NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Middle (Academic/Open School) Second Semester

Examination October-2010. (For Re-Appear Candidates)

Date of Commencement of Exam.:-15-10-2010 (Friday) & Time 2-30 PM to 5-00 PM

Evening Session

Time 2-30 PM to 5-00 PM

2nd Semester(Academic/Open)

Date Day Subject/s

15-10-2010 Friday Hindi

18-10-2010 Monday English

20-10-2010 Wednesday Mathematics

23-10-2010 Saturday Science

26-10-2010 Tuesday Social Science

28-10-2010 Thursday Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi


1- (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis,

an extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2- Calculators (Simple/Scientific) & Mobile Phones are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

3- Private/Open School Candidates are advised to contact the centre Supdt. of their Exam. Centre to note the

date, time and place of their practical Examination.

4- In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664-244171

to 244176 (Ext. Middle (Acad.) -154, Middle Open - 387, Conduct Branch - 161 & 175 , Fax No.




DATE: 27.09.2010


E Mail :


NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Secondary (Academic Regular) First Semester (For Full

Subject/Improvement /Re-Appear/Additional Subject Candidates) & Secondary Open School

(Re-appear) First Semester Examination October-2010.

Date of Commencement of Examination 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 11-00AM to 1-30PM

Morning Session

11-00A.M. to 1-30 P.M.

1st Semester(Academic/Open)

Date Day Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday English

16-10-2010 Saturday Hindi

19-10-2010 Tuesday Mathematics

21-10-2010 Thursday Social Science

25-10-2010 Monday Science & Technology

27-10-2010 Wednesday


Science/ Home Science/Music Hindustani (All

Options)/Physical & Health- Education/ Animal

Husbandry/Dance(All Options)


1- (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis,

an extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2- Calculators (Simple/Scientific)& Mobile Phones are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

3- In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664-

244171 to 244176 (Ext. Secondary (Open) 387, Secondary (Academic) 165 , Conduct Branch 161 &

175 ), Fax No. 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010


E Mail :


NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Secondary (Academic/Open School) Second Semester

Examination October-2010.


Date of Commencement of Exam. :- 15-10-2010 (Friday) & Time 11.AM. to 1-30 P.M.

Morning Session

11.00AM. to 1-30 P.M.

2nd Semester(Academic/Open)

Date Day Subject/s

15-10-2010 Friday Hindi

18-10-2010 Monday English

20-10-2010 Wednesday Mathematics

23-10-2010 Saturday Science & Technology

26-10-2010 Tuesday Social Science

28-10-2010 Thursday

Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi/Drawing/Agriculture/Computer Science/Home

Science/Music Hindustani (All Option)/Physical & Health Education/

Animal Husbandry/ Dance (All Option)


1- (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an

extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2- Calculators (Simple/Scientific) & Mobile Phones are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

3- Private/Open School Candidates are advised to contact the centre Supdt. of their Exam. Centre to note the

date, time and place of their practical Examination.

4- In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664- 244171

to 244176 (Ext. Secondary (Open) 387, Secondary (Academic) 165, Conduct Branch 161 & 175 ), Fax

No. 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010


E Mail :


NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Senior Secondary Certificate (Academic Regular)

First Semester (For Full Subjects/Re-appear/Improvement/Additional Subject Candidates) and

Senior Secondary Open School (Re-appear) First Semester Exam. October-2010.

Date of Commencement of Exam.:- 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 02-30P.M. to 5-00P.M.

Evening Session

02-30P.M. to 5.00 P.M.

1st Semester(Academic/Open)

Date Day Group/s Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday For all Groups English Core

15-10-2010 Friday I, III Home Science

16-10-2010 Saturday For All Groups Hindi Core/English Special in

Lieu of Hindi Core

18-10-2010 Monday I Public Administration


Tuesday I



Office Secretary ship and Stenography in

Hindi / English

20-10-2010 Wednesday For All Groups Mathematics

21-10-2010 Thursday I Sociology

23-10-2010 Saturday I, III




25-10-2010 Monday III




26-10-2010 Tuesday I


Fine Arts (All Options)

Accountancy and


27-10-2010 Wednesday I


Physical Education

Business Studies

28-10-2010 Thursday I


For All groups

Music Hindustani(All Options)/

Marketing and


Computer Science and Computer


29-10-2010 Friday I


Military Science / Dance(All Options)


30-10-2010 Saturday I




2-11-2010 Tuesday For All Groups Hindi Elective/English Elective/Punjabi/


3-11-2010 Wednesday




Political Science



4-11-2010 Thursday I





1- The Figure I, II & III means Group viz :- I-Humanities Group, II-Commerce Group & III- Science Group.

2- (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an

extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

3- Candidates will bring their own log., Trigonometry Tables & Stencils for Maps and can use colour pencils in

science subjects only.

4- Mobile phones are not permitted in the examination hall.

5- In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664 244171 to

244176 (Ext.Sr.Sec.(Open) 387, Sr.Sec.(Acad.) 300, Conduct Branch 161 & 175, Fax No. 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010


E Mail :


NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Senior Secondary Certificate (Academic/Open School)

Second Semester Exam. October-2010 (For Re-appear/Improvement/Additional Subject

candidates only)

Date of Commencement of Exam.:- 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 11-00A.M. to 1-30P.M.

Morning Session

11-00 A.M. to 1-30 P.M.

2nd Semester (Academic/Open)

Date Day Group/s Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday For all Groups Hindi Core/English Special in

Lieu of Hindi Core

15-10-2010 Friday For all Groups English Core

16-10-2010 Saturday I


Military Science/Dance(All Options)


18-10-2010 Monday I


Political Science


19-10-2010 Tuesday III




20-10-2010 Wednesday I Sociology

21-10-2010 Thursday I Public Administration

23-10-2010 Saturday For all Groups Mathematics

25-10-2010 Monday I, III Geography

26-10-2010 Tuesday For all Groups Hindi Elective/English Elective


27-10-2010 Wednesday I




28-10-2010 Thursday I Fine Arts (All Options)

29-10-2010 Friday I



Physical Education


Business Studies

30-10-2010 Saturday I, III Home Science

2-11-2010 Tuesday I




3-11-2010 Wednesday I

For all Groups

Music Hindustani (All Options)

Computer Science

4-11-2010 Thursday I





1- The Figure I, II & III means Group viz :- I-Humanities Group, II-Commerce Group & III- Science Group.

2- (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an

extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper. 3- Candidates will bring their own log.,

Trigonometry Tables & Stencils for Maps and can use colour pencils in science subjects only.

4- Private/Open School Candidates are advised to contact the centre Supdt. of their Exam. Centre to note the date,

time and place of their practical Examination.

5- Mobile Phones are not permitted in the Examination hall.

6- In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos.01664 244171 to

244176 (Ext. Sr.Sec.(Open) 387, Sr.Sec.(Acad.) 300, Conduct Branch 161 & 175, Fax No. 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010


E Mail :


NEWDate Sheet (Theory Papers) for Senior Secondary Certificate (Vocational) First semester Examination October-2010

(For Re-Appear Candidates only)

Date of Commencement of Exam.:- 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 02.30P.M. to 5.00 P.M.. (Evening Session)

Date Day Trade Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday Common for all Trades English

15-10-2010 Friday Common for all Trades General Foundation Courses

16-10-2010 Saturday Common for all Trades Hindi

18-10-2010 Monday All relevant Vocations Basic Foundation Courses (Engg.)

19-10-2010 Tuesday 1. Office Secretary Ship/Stenography (Hindi/English) Office Practice & Communication Management Theory-I

2. Accountancy & Auditing Financial Accounting Paper-I

3. Marketing & Salesmanship Relating Paper-I

4. Commercial Garments Designing and Making Advance Apparel Design Theory-IV

5. Bakery & Confectionery Bakery Paper-II Theory-I

6. Lineman Electrical Technology Paper-IV

7. Electrician (MREDA) Electric Machines & Wiring Theory-I

8. Auto Technician (TTWR) Power Unit Theory Paper-IV

9. Furniture Maker & Designer Furniture Material Theory-I

10. Computer Techniques MS Access and Visual Basic Theory-I

11. Boiler Attendant Boiler Operations Theory-I

12 Mechanic Textile Machinery Textile Raw Materials Theory-I

13. Agriculture Engineering (Repair & Maintenance of

Power Driven Farm Machinery under Apprenticeship Act) Manufacturing Technology Paper-I

14. Floriculture (New Syllabus) Commercial Floriculture Theory-I

15. Visual Arts (Pottery & Ceramics) Fundamentals of Visual Arts Theory-I

20-10-2010 Wednesday 1. Office Secretary ship/Stenography (Hindi/English) Shorthand (Hindi/English) Theory-II

2. Accountancy & Auditing Auditing Theory-II

3. Marketing & Salesmanship Sales Management Paper-II

4. Commercial Garments Designing and Making Advance Pattern Making Theory-V

5. Bakery & Confectionery Confectionery-II Theory-II

6. Lineman Basic Material and Line Maintenance Practice Paper-V

7. Electrician (MREDA) Domestic Appliances (Motorized) Theory-II

8. Auto Technician (TTWR) Vehicle system Paper-V

9. Furniture Maker & Designer Tools, Equipments and Machinery Theory-II

10. Computer Techniques Web Technology(HTML, VBSCRIPT,ASP)

11. Boiler Attendant Specified Boiler Operation Theory-II

12 Mechanic Textile Machinery Advance Textile Machinery Theory-II

13. Agriculture Engineering (Repair & Maintenance of

Power Driven Farm Machinery under Apprenticeship Act) Post Harvest Technology Paper-II

14. Floriculture (New Syllabus) Plant Protection Theory-II

15. Visual Arts (Pottery & Ceramics) Theory of Pottery and Ceramics Theory-II

21-10-2010 Thursday 1. Office Secretary ship/Stenography(Hindi/English) Computer Application Paper-III

2. Accountancy and Auditing Computer Application in Accounting Paper-III

3- Marketing & Salesmanship Computer Application in Selling and Computer Accounts Paper-III

4. Commercial Garments Designing and Making Advanced Clothing Construction and Marketing Theory-VI

5. Bakery & Confectionery Accountancy and Book-Keeping and Bakery Unit Set-up Theory-III

6. Lineman Lineman Practice Paper-VI

7. Electrician (MREDA) Engineering Materials & Workshop Practice Theory-III

8. Auto Technician (TTWR) Workshop Technology Paper-VI

9. Furniture Maker & Designer Furniture Maker & Designing Theory-III

10. Computer Techniques Computer Commercial Application Paper-III

11- Boiler Attendant Boiler Techniques Theory-III

12- Mechanic Textile Machinery Textile Processing Theory-III

13- Agriculture Engineering (Repair & maintenance of power

Driven Farm machinery under apprenticeship Act)

Renewable energy sources Paper-III

14- Floriculture (New Syllabus) Land Scaping Theory-III

15- Visual Arts (Pottery and ceramics) History & appreciation of Arts Theory-III

Important Instructions:-

1. (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently disabled

from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an extra time of

20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2. Candidates will bring their own log/Trigonometry tables.

3. Candidates are advised to contact the Centre Supdt. for Practical Exam.

4. Mobile Phones & Calculators are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

5. In case of emergency, please contact on telephones :- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664-244171 to 244176

(Ext. Conduct Branch 161 & 175. Sr.Sec.(Voc.) 300 ). Fax:- 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010


E-Mail :


NEW Date Sheet (Theory Papers) for Senior Secondary Certificate (Vocational) Second semester Examination

October-2010 (Re-Appear Candidates Only)

Date of Commencement of Exam. :- 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 11-00 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. (Morning Session)

Date Day Trade Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday Common for all Trades General Foundation Courses

15-10-2010 Friday Common for all Trades English

16-10-2010 Saturday All relevant Vocations Basic Foundation Courses (Engg.)

18-10-2010 Monday Common for all Trades Hindi

19-10-2010 Tuesday 1. Office Secretary ship/Stenography (Hindi/English) Office Practice & Communication Management Theory-I

2. Accountancy & Auditing Financial Accounting Paper-I

3. Marketing & Salesmanship Relating Paper-I

4. Commercial Garments Designing and Making Advance Apparel Design Theory-IV

5. Bakery & Confectionery Bakery Paper-II Theory-I

6. Lineman Electrical Technology Paper-IV

7. Electrician (MREDA) Electric Machines & Wiring Theory-I

8. Auto Technician (TTWR) Power Unit Theory Paper-IV

9. Furniture Maker & Designer Furniture Material Theory-I

10. Computer Techniques MS Access and Visual Basic Theory-I

11. Boiler Attendant Boiler Operations Theory-I

12 Mechanic Textile Machinery Textile Raw Materials Theory-I

13. Agriculture Engineering (Repair & Maintenance of Power

Driven Farm Machinery under Apprenticeship Act) Manufacturing Technology Paper-I

14. Floriculture (New Syllabus) Commercial Floriculture Theory-I

15. Visual Arts (Pottery & Ceramics) Fundamentals of Visual Arts Theory-I

20-10-2010 Wednesday 1. Office Secretary ship/Stenography (Hindi/English) Shorthand (Hindi/English) Theory-II

2. Accountancy & Auditing Auditing Theory-II

3. Marketing & Salesmanship Sales Management Paper-II

4. Commercial Garments Designing and Making Advance Pattern Making Theory-V

5. Bakery & Confectionery Confectionery-II Theory-II

6. Lineman Basic Material and Line Maintenance Practice Paper-V

7. Electrician (MREDA) Domestic Appliances (Motorized) Theory-II

8. Auto Technician (TTWR) Vehicle system Paper-V

9. Furniture Maker & Designer Tools, Equipments and Machinery Theory-II

10. Computer Techniques Web Technology(HTML, VBSCRIPT,ASP)

11. Boiler Attendant Specified Boiler Operation Theory-II

12 Mechanic Textile Machinery Advance Textile Machinery Theory-II

13. Agriculture Engineering (Repair & Maintenance of Power

Driven Farm Machinery under Apprenticeship Act) Post Harvest Technology Paper-II

14. Floriculture (New Syllabus) Plant Protection Theory-II

15. Visual Arts (Pottery & Ceramics) Theory of Pottery and Ceramics Theory-II

21-10-2010 Thursday 1. Office Secretary ship/Stenography(Hindi/English) Computer Application Paper-III

2.Accountancy and Auditing Computer Application in Accounting Paper-III

3. Marketing & Salesmanship Computer Application in Selling and Computer Accounts Paper-III

4. Commercial Garments Designing and Making Advanced Clothing Construction and Marketing Theory-VI

5. Bakery & Confectionery Accountancy and Book-Keeping and Bakery Unit Set-up Theory-III

6. Lineman Lineman Practice Paper-VI

7. Electrician (MREDA) Engineering Material & Workshop Practice Theory-III

8. Auto Technician (TTWR) Workshop Technology Paper-VI

9. Furniture Maker & Designer Furniture Maker & Designing Theory-III

10. Computer Techniques Computer Commercial Application Paper-III

11- Boiler Attendant Boiler Techniques Theory-III

12- Mechanic Textile Machinery Taxtile processing Theory-III

13- Agriculture Engineering (Repair & maintenance of

power Driven Farm machinery under apprenticeship Act) Renewable energy sources Paper-III

14- Floriculture (New Syllabus) Land Scaping Theory-III

15- Visual Arts (Pottery and ceramics) History & appreciation of Arts Theory-III

Important Instructions :-

1. (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently disabled

from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an extra time of 20

minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2. Candidates will bring their own log/Trigonometry tables.

3.Candidates are advised to contact the Centre Supdt. for Practical Exam.

4-Mobile Phones & Calculators are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

5.In case of emergency, please contact on telephones :- 01664-254604,PABX nos. 01664-244171 to 24417

( Ext. Conduct Branch 161 & 175, Sr.Sec.(Voc.) 300 ). Fax:- 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010


E Mail :



NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Secondary Open School (CTP/STC) Examination October-2010

Date of Commencement of Exam.:- 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 11-00 A.M. to 2.00. P.M.

(Morning Session)

Date Day Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday Science & Technology

15-10-2010 Friday Sanskrit/Urdu /Home Science/Punjabi

16-10-2010 Saturday Social Science

18-10-2010 Monday Mathematics

19-10-2010 Tuesday English

20-10-2010 Wednesday Hindi

21-10-2010 Thursday Economics

23-10-2010 Saturday Business Studies/Commerce

25-10-2010 Monday Psychology

26-10-2010 Tuesday Word Processing

27-10-2010 Wednesday Bhartiya Culture and Heritage


1- (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently disabled

from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an extra time of 20

minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2- Practical Examinations will be conducted after the termination of Theory Examinations. Candidates are advised

to contact the Centre Supdt. of their Examination Centre to know the date, time & place of their practical


3- Calculators (Simple/Scientific) & Mobile Phones are not permitted in the examination hall.

4- In case of emergency, Please contact on Telephone Nos.:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664-244171 to 244176

(Ext. Open School 387, Conduct Branch 161 & 175), Fax No. 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010





NEW Date-Sheet (Theory Papers) for Senior Secondary (Open School)(CTP/STC) Examination,


Date of Commencement of Examination: 14-10-2010 (Thursday) & Time 11-00 A.M. to 2-00 P.M.

(Morning Session)

Date Day Subject/s

14-10-2010 Thursday Mathematics

15-10-2010 Friday Geography

16-10-2010 Saturday Hindi/English Special in lieu of Hindi

18-10-2010 Monday Home Science

19-10-2010 Tuesday English

20-10-2010 Wednesday Sociology

21-10-2010 Thursday Physics/Economics

23-10-2010 Saturday Political Science/Chemistry/Accountancy

25-10-2010 Monday Public Administration

26-10-2010 Tuesday History

27-10-2010 Wednesday Computer Science

28-10-2010 Thursday Biology

Business Studies(Commerce)

29-10-2010 Friday Sanskrit/Punjabi/Urdu

30-10-2010 Saturday Painting (Theory)

2-11-2010 Tuesday Psychology

3-11-2010 Wednesday Word Processing


1. (i) Blind candidates (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic candidates (iii) Deaf & Dumb candidates (iv) Permanently

disabled from writing with their own hands, shall be provided along with the services of amanuensis, an

extra time of 20 minutes in one hour answering each paper.

2. Candidates will bring their own Log./Trigonometry tables. & Stencils for maps and can use colour

pencils in Science subjects only.

3. For practical Examinations the candidates are advised to contact the Centre Superintendents to note the

Date, Time & Place of their practical Examinations.

4. Mobile Phones/Calculators are not permitted in the Examination Hall.

5- In case of emergency, please contact on Telephone Nos:- 01664-254604, PABX nos. 01664-244171 to

244176 (Ext.Open School 387, Conduct Branch 161 & 175). Fax No.- 01664-244175



Date: 27.09.2010 SECRETARY


Provisional Roll Nos. Slips for B.A., B.Com and B.Sc. (1st,2nd & 3rd) and All Hons Exam held in October 2010  click below link:-

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SBI Clerical Staff InterView Result(Apr-May 2010) Written Exam Held On November-2009



NOTIFICATION ABOUT fees& complaint of colleges B.ED.HARYANA

for  notification of fees & help centre  ph. no. for compland  of b.ed college . haryana
see this notification


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

KUK: Revised Schedule for B.Ed. Online Counselling- 2010

Notification for B.Ed. Courses Online Counselling in Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

The last date of B.Ed. admission for Asmission fee payment, Student reporting to institute, Online institute reporting and Result display has been extended as per schedule given below

Schedule for Online Counselling

                                                     First Counselling         Second Counselling

                                                From      To                From    To

Result Display                        21.09-10  29.09.10   05.10.10       09.10.10

Student reporting to institute   21.09.10   01.10.10   05.10.10       12.10.10

Online institute reporting        21.09.10  03.10.10    05.10.10        14.10.10

Monday, September 27, 2010


It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that to avoid clash in the date sheet of B.A. / B.Sc. Part-I, II and III, some changes have been made.For downloading please click the below link


It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that to avoid clash in the date sheet of B.A. /

B.Sc. Part-I, II and III, the following changes have been made as under:-

B.A./ B.Sc.-I

Sr.No. Name of Subject Previous date Revised Date

1. (i) Sanskrit (C) - 5006

7.10.2010 12.10.2010

(ii) Economics - 5016

(iii) History - Option 1 History of India from

earliest time to AD 1526 - 5012

Option II History of Haryana -


(iv) Sanskrit Elective - 5007 9.10.2010 12.10.2010

(v) Political Science Opt (i) Political Theory -5014 9.10.2010 12.10.2010

Opt (ii) Political Theory


B.A./ B.Sc.-II

Sr.No. Name of Subject Previous date Revised Date

2. (i) Pol. Sc. Opt.I Indian Govt. & Politics -7011 8.10.2010 13.10.2010

(ii) International Relations - 7012

(iii) History Opt. (i) History of India from AD 1526 to

1857- (7009)

10.10.2010 13.10.2010

Opt (ii) History of India from 1857-1950

- 7010

B.A./ B.Sc.-III

Sr.No. Name of Subject Previous date Revised Date

3. (i) Urdu (C) Old - 9010-A - 15.10.2010

However, the time and Centre of Examinations will remain the same.



Endst.No. Conduct-II/2010/3126-3130 Date : 27.09.2010

Copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-

1. Deputy Registrar (Secrecy), M.D. University, Rohtak

2. Asstt. Registrar (R-I, R-II), M.D. University, Rohtak

3. Dy.Registrar (Confidential), M.D. University, Rohtak

4.. CPA to COE, M.D. University, Rohtak

Deputy Registrar (Conduct)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Appication are invited for the post of Driver, Conductor & Artisan Gr-II & Rajasthan

Apllication Form can also be obtained from local roadways depot free of cost

1. Advertisement (Download) ;-

Corrigendum 24/09/2010 (View)

2. Application Form (Download)

3. Last Date 25/10/2010

4 Syllabus (Download)

postponment of mdu rohtak m.ed. councling

click here for notification;-

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Various jobs in Haryana govt. vide 03/2010



BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA-134151

Advt. No. 3/2010 Date of publication: 15.09.2010

Closing date for receipt of applications in the Commission’s office: 14.10.2010

Applications are invited through registered post for the under mentioned posts on the prescribed application form, the format of which is given at the end. The candidates are advised to strictly use this format of the application form only otherwise their application will be rejected. The format given at the end should be photocopied (enlarged) on a thick paper. A cut out from the newspaper should not be used. The number of posts given below is liable to variation. The candidate should specify on the top of the envelope the word- Advt. No., Name and category of the post applied for:-




Cat. No. 1 15 posts of Inspector (Food & Supplies)

(GEN=7, SC= 3, BCA=2, BCB=1, ESM GEN=1, ESM BCB=1)

E.Q. i) Degree of a recognized University

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 + 3200 G.P.

Cat. No. 2 2 posts of Inspector Legal Metrology

(SC=1, ESM GEN=1)

E.Q. i) Graduate of a recognized University (with physics as one of the subjects). Technology or engineering or holds a recognized diploma in engineering.

ii) The persons appointed to the post of inspector shall have to successfully complete the basic training course at the Indian Institute of Legal Metrology established by the Central Government under section 76 of the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976 (Act 60 of 1976) before he is considered for confirmation to the post.

iii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 + 3200 G.P.


Cat. No. 3 35 posts of Laboratory Attendant

(GEN=17, SC=5, BCA=2, BCB=2, ESM GEN=3, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=1, ESM BCB=1, OSP SC=1, OSP BCA=1, PHC Ortho=1)

E.Q. i) Matric with Science (Physics and Chemistry) or its equivalent.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Pay Scale Rs. 3050-4590

Age 17-40 years



Cat. No. 4 20 posts of Wild Life Guard.

(GEN=9, SC=3, BCA=1, BCB=2, ESM GEN=2, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=1, OSP BCA=1)

E.Q. i) Matric/Higher Secondary or its equigalent/10+2 (Vocational)

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

iii) Physical standard:


Chest girth =79 cm un-expanded


Chest girth=84 cm expanded


Height =168 cm


25 kms walking in four hours.

Age 18-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ Rs. 1900 Grade Pay


Cat. No. 5 9 posts of Excise Inspector

(GEN=1, SC= 2, BCA=1, BCB=1, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=1, ESM BCB=1, OSP BCA=1)

E.Q. i) Graduate of recognized University or must have passed an equivalent examination.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 + 3600 G.P.

Cat. No. 6 26 posts of Taxation Inspector

(GEN=9, SC=4, BCA=4, BCB=1, ESM GEN=2, ESM SC=1, ESM BCB=1, OSP BCB=1 , PHC Ortho=3)

E.Q. i) Graduate of recognized University or must have passed an equivalent examination.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 + 3600 G.P.


Cat. No. 7 21 posts of Computer Operator-cum-Clerk

(GEN=10, SC=3, BCA=2, BCB=2, ESM GEN=2, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=1)

E.Q. i) Bachelor of Computer Application or graduate with 50% marks from a recognized University having PGDCA diploma from recognized Institute.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ 1900 Grade Pay.



Cat. No. 8 3 posts of Statistical Assistant

(GEN=2, SC=1)

E.Q. i) Master Degree in Economics or Agricultural Economics with Statistics as one of the paper or Master Degree in Statistics;

ii) One year experience in collection, compilation and analysis of statistics data in any Govt. office or any recognized institution;


i) Graduate with economics or Mathematics with Statistics as one of the elective subjects;

ii) Three years experience in collection, compilation and analysis of statistics data in any Govt. office or any recognized institution;

iii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ Rs. 3300 Grade Pay.


Cat. No. 9 2 posts of Electrician

(for General Category)

E.Q. i) 2 years certificate from I.T.I. in Electrical trade.

ii) One year practical experience in Electrical Wiring and Maintenance and up keep of Electric Motors.

iii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ Rs. 2400/- Grade Pay.


Cat. No. 10 1 post of Assistant Research Officer

(for S.C. Category)

E.Q. i) Master Degree from recognized University in Economics or Agricultural Economics or Mathematics or Commerce with Statistics as one of the subjects either at the Master’s level or if the candidate has also graduated in the Honours school in Mathematics or Economics then with Statistics as one of the subjects and B.A. Honours school level in these subjects, or a Master’s degree in Statistics.

ii) One year experience in collection, compilation and analysis of Statistical data preferably in some Govt. Office.


i) Graduate with Economics or Mathematics or Agriculture Economics or Commerce or Statistics as one of the subject in the first four cases.

ii) Five years experience in collection, compilation and analysis of Statistical data on a post equivalent to that of Statistical Assistant preferably in some Govt. Office.

iii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto matric standard.

Age 22-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ Rs. 3200 Grade Pay.



Cat. No. 11 7 posts of Plumber

(GEN= 4, BCA=1, BCB=1, ESM GEN=1)

E.Q. i) Middle pass or its equivalent.

ii) Certificate of Plumber from ITI with one year course.


Working experience of plumber in Army or Navy or Air Force for not less than one year.

iii) Hindi upto Middle Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ 1900 Grade pay


Cat. No. 12 18 posts of Laboratory Technician

(GEN= 9, SC=3, BCA=2, BCB=2, ESM GEN=2)

E.Q. i) 10+2 with Physics and Chemistry and one year Laboratory Technician diploma from institution recognized by Haryana State.


Matric with Laboratory Technician Diploma from institution recognized by State Technical Education Board.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ 2800/- Grade pay


Cat. No. 13 21 posts of Assistant Draftsman (Civil)

(GEN=8, SC=3, BCA=2, BCB=2, ESM GEN=2, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=1, PHC Blind=1, PHC Deaf & Dumb=1)

E.Q. i) Matriculation or its equivalent.

ii) 3 years diploma in Engineering (Civil) or 2 years certificate in draftsman (Civil)

iii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ Rs. 3200/- Grade Pay


Cat. No. 14 12 posts of Draftsman

(GEN=6, SC=2, BCA=1, BCB=1, ESM GEN=1, ESM BCA=1)

E.Q. i) Matric or its equivalent.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

iii) Diploma of Draftsmanship (Civil) from any recognized Institution.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ Rs. 2400/- Grade Pay



Cat. No. 15 1 post of Master Harmonium Player

(for General category)

E.Q. i) The applicant should be hereditary musician.

ii) At least 5 years experience from some registered organization or Government Institution or A.I.R. Should be able to play his instrument as solo Artists and should be skilled enough as an accompanist.

iii) General knowledge of Hindi.

Desirable:- The applicant should have proof of being a ‘B’ grade category artist or of above category from AIR.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ Rs. 1800/- Grade Pay

Cat. No. 16 1 post of Master Sarangi Player

(for General category)

E.Q. i) The applicant should be hereditary musician.

ii) At least 5 years experience from some registered organization or Government Institution or A.I.R. Should be able to play his instrument as solo Artists and should be skilled enough as an accompanist.

iii) General knowledge of Hindi.

Desirable:- The applicant should have proof of being a ‘B’ grade category artist or of above category from AIR.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ Rs. 1800/- Grade Pay


Cat. No. 17 7 posts Assistant Research Officers/ Assistant District Statistical Officer/ Scrutiny Inspector/ Research Assistant.

(GEN=2, SC=2, BCA=1, BCB=1, ESM GEN=1)

E.Q. i) Master’s degree with at least 50% marks from a recognized University in Economics or Agricultural Economics or Mathematics or Commerce with Statistics as one of the papers either at the Master’s level or if the candidate has also graduated in the Honours School in Mathematics or Economics, then with Statistics as one of the paper at B.A. Honours School level in these subjects or a Master’s degree with at least 50% marks in Statistics;


Graduate with Economics or Mathematics or Agricultural Economics or Statistics or Commerce as one of the elective subjects.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Experience:- Three years experience of collection, compilation and interpretation of statistical data on the post of Statistical Assistant or Economic Investigator or Investigator or Inspector (National Sample Survey) in Economic and Statistical Organization, Haryana or in a State or Central Government or a recognized University or Research Institute or State / Central Public Undertaking.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ 4000/- Grade pay


Cat. No. 18 3 posts of Statistical Assistant/ Inspector (NSS)/ Investigator

(GEN=2, ESM BCA=1)

E.Q. i) Master’s degree from a recognized University in Economics or Agricultural Economics or Mathematics or Commerce with Statistics as one of the papers either at the Master’s level or if the candidate has also graduated in the Honours School in Mathematics or Economics, then with Statistics as one of the paper at B.A. Honours School level in these subjects or a Master’s degree in Statistics;

In case of Master’s degree preference will be given to those possessing one year’s experience in collection, compilation and analysis of Statistical Data in some Government office.


Graduate with Economics or Mathematics or Agricultural Economics or Statistics or Commerce as one of the elective subjects.

In case of graduate three years experience of collection, compilation and analysis of Statistical Data in some Government office.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ 3300/- Grade pay

Cat. No. 19 33 posts of Field Assistant

(GEN=13, SC=6, BCA=6, BCB=1, ESM GEN=3, ESM SC=1, ESM BCB=1, OSP BCB=1, PHC Ortho=1)

E.Q. i) Graduate with Economics or Mathematics or Agricultural Economics or Commerce or Statistics as one of the subjects.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Experience: One year experience in collection of statistical data in some Government office.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ 3200/- Grade pay


Cat. No. 20 7 posts of Technical Assistant (Junior)

(GEN=2, SC=2, BCA=1, BCB=1, ESM GEN=1)

E.Q. i) Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.

ii) Industrial Experience of 3 years which may include teaching experience upto 2 years after passing diploma in Engineering.

iii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ Rs. 3200/- Grade Pay

Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Dev. Corporation Ltd.

Cat. No. 21 25 posts of Assistant Manager (IA)

(GEN=11, SC=4, BCA=1, BCB=2, ESM GEN=3, ESM BCA=2, ESM BCB=1, OSP BCA=1 )

E.Q. i) 3 years diploma (1st Division) in Civil Engineering from a recognized institution with minimum 2 years post qualification experience in the filed of infrastructure works i.e. construction of buildings, roads, water supply, drainage and sewerage net work etc.

ii) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 18-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800+ Rs. 3600/- Grade Pay



Cat. No. 22 1 post of Junior Scale Stenographer

(for General category)

E.Q. i) Graduate from a recognized University.

ii) Should have passed competitive test at the time of recruitment at a minimum speed of 100 WPM in Shorthand and 40 WPM in type-writing in English.

iii) Minimum 2 years experience as Steno-typist.

iv) Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ Rs. 2400/- Grade Pay


Cat. No. 23 71 posts of Dispenser Ayurveda

(GEN=29, SC=13, BCA=9, BCB=6, ESM GEN=5, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=1, ESM BCB=2, OSP GEN=1, OSP SC=1, OSP BCA=1, PHC Ortho=2)

E.Q. i) Up- Vaidya from any recognized University/ institution or Board or faculty of Indian System of Medicine established by law in India or recognized by the Govt.”

ii) Matric or its equivalent;

iii) Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit and English up to Matric standard.”


i) Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from any recognized University/ institution or Board or faculty of Indian System of Medicine established by law in India or recognized by the Govt.”

ii) 10+2 examination should be passed with Physics, Chemistry and Biology;

iii) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit and English up to Matric standard.”

Age 20-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 4500-7000/-

Cat. No. 24 3 posts of Dispenser Unani

(SC=1, BCB=1, ESM BCB=1)

E.Q. i) Unani Dispenser from any recognized University/ institution or Board or faculty of Indian System of Medicine established by law in India or up-vaidya of any recognized University/ institution or Board or faculty of Indian System of Medicine established by law in India having the knowledge of Urdu,”

ii) Matric or its equivalent;

iii) Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit and English upto Matric Standard.

Age 20-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 4500-7000/-

Cat. No. 25 2 posts of Dispenser Homoeopathic

(for General category)

E.Q. i) Two years experience of working as Pharmacist/Compounder in a Govt. Homoeopathic dispensary/ Hospital; or

ii) Three years experience or working as Pharmacist or Compounder under Registered Medical Practitioner in Homoeopathy;

iii) Matric or its equivalent;

ii) Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit & English upto Matric standard

Age 20-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 4500-7000/-



Cat. No. 26 102 posts of Steno-typist (Hindi)

(GEN=35, SC=20, BCA=10, BCB=9, ESM GEN=11, ESM SC=4, ESM BCA=2, ESM BCB=6, OSP SC=2, OSP BCA=2, OSP BCB=1)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 64 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 11 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ 1900 Grade Pay

NOTE: The number of vacancies shall be variable and subject to decision in CWP No. 16372/ 2005 and CWP No. 16717/2005.

Cat. No. 27 109 posts of Steno-typist (English)

(GEN=35, SC = 17, BCA= 14, BCB= 10, ESM GEN=13, ESM SC=3, ESM BCA=5, ESM BCB=5, OSP SC=3, OSP BCA=2, OSP BCB=1, PHC Ortho=1)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) English Shorthand at a speed of 80 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ 1900 Grade Pay

NOTE: The number of vacancies shall be variable and subject to decision in CWP No. 16372/ 2005 and CWP No. 16717/2005.

Cat. No. 28 179 posts of Steno-typist (Both Languages)

(GEN=89, SC =26, BCA= 18, BCB=13,ESM GEN=11, ESM SC=5,ESM BCA=4, ESM BCB=4, OSP SC=2, OSP BCA=2, OSP BCB=1, PHC Ortho=4)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) English Shorthand at a speed of 80 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

iv) Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 64 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 11 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+ 1900 Grade Pay

Cat. No. 29 5 posts of Junior Scale Stenographer (Hindi)

(GEN=3, BCB=1, ESM GEN=1,)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 80 words per minute and transcription at a

speed of 15 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+2400 Grade Pay


Cat. No. 30 12 posts of Junior Scale Stenographer (English)

(GEN=10, BCA=1, BCB=1)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) English Shorthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+2400 Grade Pay

Cat. No. 31 5 posts of Junior Scale Stenographer (Both Language)

(GEN=1, SC=2, BCA=2)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) English Shorthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

iv) Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 80 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 8%.

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200+2400 Grade Pay

Cat. No. 32 9 posts of Senior Scale Stenographer (English)

(GEN=3, SC=2, BCA=2, ESM GEN=2)

E.Q. i) Matric / Matric 1st Division/Higher Secondary/ Intermediate / 10+2 / 10+2 (Vocational)/ Graduation (for Ex-Servicemen Matric only) or its equivalent qualification.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) English Shorthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 4%

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 + 3200 Grade Pay.

Cat. No. 33 18 posts of Senior Scale Stenographer (Both Language)

(GEN=12, SC=2, BCA=1, BCB=1, ESM BCA=1, ESM BCB=1)

E.Q. i) Matric / Higher Secondary / 10+2 (Vocational) or its equivalent

qualification recognized by the Haryana School Education Board.

ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric standard.

iii) English Shorthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute.

iv) Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 80 words per minute and transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistakes should not exceed 4%

Age 17-40 years

Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 + 3200 Grade Pay.



The prescribed essential qualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. The Commission may short list the candidates for interview by holding a written examination or on the basis of a rationale criterion to be adopted by the Commission. The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/suitability of the candidates, mode of, and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No inquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.


A candidate whether he belongs to general category or reserved categories viz. SC, BC, ESM/DESM can submit only one application for particular category of post. Application form complete in all respects duly filled in by the candidates in their own handwriting in capital letters and signed in the specified space should be sent only through Registered Post to the Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula PIN- 134151. All the column of the application form should be filled in.

The candidate should give details of all the examinations passed from Matriculation or its equivalent onwards `and mention total and percentage of marks obtained and maximum marks in each examination. The candidates are advised to attach photocopy only of essential qualification certificates/diploma/degree with the application form alongwith Eligibility Certificate in case of DESM and Sports Gradation Certificate in case of Outstanding Sports Person category and PHC Certificate from the Competent Authority. The candidates, who have obtained degrees or Diplomas or Certificates for the various courses from any institution declared fake by the University Grants Commission, shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised.


FEE:- Fee at the following rates should be deposited in the Haryana Govt. Treasury under the Head “0051-H.P.S.C.-(103)-Staff Selection Commission, Haryana-Application fee and other receipts.”

General Candidates SC/BC/ PHC candidates

of Haryana only

Cat. No. 1,2,5,6, 8 to10,12 to 14, Rs. 150/- Rs. 35 /-

17 to 25, 29 to 33

Cat. No. 3,4,7,11,15,16, 26 to 28 Rs. 100/- Rs. 25/-

No concession of fee is admissible to SC/BC/PHC applicants of other States.

The ESM candidates are exempted from payment of Fee, but their dependents are required to pay the fee as for General, SC or BC candidates as case may be. Candidates residing outside Haryana and Chandigarh can send the fee in the form of Indian Postal Orders which should be made payable to the Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission at Panchkula. Fee sent in the form of Bank Draft or Money Order or Cash will not be accepted. Fee once sent with the application form is neither transferable nor refundable/adjustable. Treasury challans / Postal Orders purchased before the publication of this advertisement and after the closing date will not be accepted.


Relaxation in Age : In the case of SC/BC/PHC candidates, the upper age limit is relaxable as per Haryana Govt. instruction. For Ex-servicemen candidates relaxation up to continuous Military service added by three years is permissible.

Reservation of posts:- Reservation will be as per Haryana Government Instructions. For Disabled ESM/Dependent of Killed/ Disabled in action reservation will be as per Haryana Govt. instructions contained in letter No. 945-GS-II 72/6451, dated the 6th March, 1972.

The reservation for ESM will be utilized in the order given below:-


Disabled ex-servicemen with disability between 20% to 50%.


Up to two dependents of Service personnel killed/disabled beyond 50%


Other ex-servicemen.

Note:-1. Disabled ex-servicemen will mean ex-servicemen who, while serving in the Armed Forces of the Union were disabled in operations against the enemy or in disturbed areas.

Note:-2. The dependents will include besides wife/widow, dependent sons/daughters.

The dependent sons of ESM who fulfill all conditions of qualifications, age etc. prescribed for posts will be considered on merit for the posts reserved for ESM to the extent of non-availability of suitable ESM candidates. The children and the grand-children of Freedom Fighters (DFF) would be considered to the extent mentioned in Haryana Govt. letter No. 22/20/83-3GSIII, dated 26.7.1984 as amended from time to time, if the quota reserved for Ex-servicemen, remains unfilled due to non-availability of suitable Ex-servicemen or their dependents.

ESM/DESM candidates of Haryana claiming benefit will have to produce the fresh Eligibility Certificate from the concerned Zila Sainik Board at the time of interview. Mere dependent

certificate will not be entertained. ESM candidates should also produce at the time of interview attested photo copy of Identity Card issued by concerned Zila Sainik Board.



A person may be working on an adhoc basis against the post advertised or somewhere else.


A person may be unemployed at the time of making the application but he may have other source of income viz. from agriculture, trade, property, Bank Balance etc.


A person who is a member of the joint Hindu family and remains dependent upon the Karta till there is partition in the family or he ceases to be a member of the joint Hindu


family and is obliged to pass on all his income to the Karta and he draws money for his subsistence from the pool of the joint Hindu family with the consent of the Karta.


A candidate who is a member of the joint Hindu family is employed on adhoc basis but he is otherwise dependent on his father.

Note :- i) The benefit of reservation will be given only to those SC/BC/ PHC and ESM and outstanding sportsperson candidates who are domicile of Haryana State. The SC/ BC/PHC candidates are required to submit SC/BC/PHC Certificate duly issued by the competent authority at the time of interview. Likewise the Outstanding Sports Person shall be required to attach the sport gradation certificate with the application form as per Government instructions duly issued by the competent authority. DESM shall be required to attach the fresh Eligibility Certificate duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Board with the application form.



Qualification will be determined with regard to the last date fixed for receipt of applications.


Candidates applying for a post must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions on the last date of application. If on verification at any time before or after the written examination or interview or appointment, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility condition or it is found that the information furnished is false or incorrect their candidature will be cancelled.


The experience will be considered only after acquiring the essential qualification.


i) One copy of latest stamp size photograph duly attested should be pasted on the application form.

ii) Attested photocopy of Treasury Challan.


Attested photocopy of essential qualifications and above /diploma/degree should be attached with the application form.


Attested copy of fresh Eligibility Certificate in case of DESM candidates duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Board.


Attested copy of Sport Gradation Certificate in case of Outstanding Sports Persons, duly issued by the Competent Authority.


Attested photo copy of BC / SC / PHC Certificate issued by competent authority.

The candidates residing outside the state of Haryana should send original Indian Postal Orders with the application forms after retaining counterfoil of IPO’s with them. They will produce the original Treasury Challan/ IPO (Counter Foil), and all other relevant documents along with Photostat attested copies, at the time of interview.

2. The candidates are advised that the photocopy of all qualifications should be attached with the application form.

Note :- An application form will be summarily rejected in the following events :-

(i) If a candidate makes more than one application for a particular


(ii) If the application is not in the prescribed format appended with this advertisement.


If the application is unsigned/incomplete.


If full fee is not deposited in the manner prescribed or proof thereof not attached.


If the application is not sent through Registered Post.


If the experience certificate is without detail of salary per month received (wherever the condition of experience apply).


If the application is received in Commission’s office after the closing date, HSSC will not be responsible for any postal delay.

(viii) If a candidate does not possess the qualification of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric Standard/ Higher Standard.

(ix) If a candidate does not possess the requisite academic qualification on the cut off date.


If a candidate is underage/overage on the cut off date.


If a candidate does not indicate visible identification mark in column 13 of the application form.

Place : Panchkula Secretary,

Dated: 14.09.2010 Haryana Staff Selection Commission,


Note: The above advertisement is also available on the website





Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151





Treasury / Post office Name Try. Ch ./I. P.O. No. Date Amount



Please read instructions given in advertisement carefully before filling in each column.


Use only Black/Blue ball pen to write or tick the box.


Please tick ‘Yes’ as and ‘Not’ as

Advertisement No. Category No. Name of the post

1. CANDIDATE’S NAME in capital letters as given in class X Certificate (in English)

2. Father’s Name in capital letters as given in class X Certificate (in English)

3. Date of Birth : Date Month Year

4. Age as on eligibility date : Years Months Days

5. Sex : Male Female


6. Category :

7. Are you domicile of Haryana : Yes No 8. Nationality : Indian other

9. Write Name and complete mailing address, in block letters, with black sketch pen only : -

10. Educational qualifications :-

Educational Qualifications

Year of Passing

Marks Obtained

Total Marks

% age


Name of Board/



10th (Matric)

10+2(Senior Secondary)





11. Any other higher qualification specify___________________________________________________

12. Experience : Years Months Days

Name of Organization : _______________________________________________________ Total Salary : Rs._________________

13. Visible identification mark on the body of the candidate _______________________________________________________________

14. Declaration : I hereby declare that :-

1. All statements made in this application form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect, or ineligibility being detected before or after the interview/appointment/selection, my candidature may be cancelled and action can be taken against me.

2. I have read the provisions in advertisement of the Commission carefully and I hereby undertake to abide by them. I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits, educational qualifications etc. prescribed in the advertisement and other relevant rules and instructions.

3 I have never been convicted by Criminal Court.

PLACE : ___________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE

(unsigned application will be rejected)

DATE : _____________________________

Paste here your latest stamp size, attested photograph

Signature of Candidate

Name :

Address :

With Telephone No., if any

Pin Code

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Due to heavy rain and flood in state the Board of School Education Haryana has postponed all the examinations beginning from September 22 again. The Examinations will now commence from October 14, onwards according to the new date sheet.

The Board of School Education Haryana further informed that the new date sheet would soon be declared and would be made available at the Board Headquarters, Bhiwani, District Co-ordination Centres of the Board. The new date sheet would also be published in daily newspapers.


Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


7/10/2010 English A 5001

English (for B.Sc. Only) - 5061

Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) I 5064

Physics (Mechanics, Properties of Matter Kinetic Theory and Relativity) I 5062

Zoology Life and Dversity of Animals (Invertebrats)(Protozoa to

Helminthes) and Cell Biology

I 5069

Botany (Diversity of Microbes and Crtoptigams) I 5067

Mathematics (Agebra & Trigonometry) BM-101 5083

Anthropology (Physical Anthropology) I 5075

Electronics I 5073

Computer Science (Computer Fundamental & Programming in C) I 5077

Fundamental of Information Technology I 5081

Geology (General and Physical Geology) I 5071

Computer Application(Computer Fundamental & Introduction to IBMPC) CA-I 5055

Tourism Business TTM-I 5053

Functional English (Phonetics) I 5042

Home Sc. (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) I 5032

Sanskrit )Compulsory - 5006

Hindi )Compulsory - 5004

Additional English - 5003

Public Administration - 5017

Geography - 5022

Philosophy opt.

i) Outline of Philosophy (Indian & Western)

ii) Epistemology & Metaphysics (Indian &





Music (Inst.) - 5026

Marketing - 5041

Marketing Communication ASM-I 5057

Functional Hindi (Raj Bhasha Niti Avam Hindi Sanrachna) I 5044

History of Art - 5031

History Opt. i) History of India from earliest time to

AD 1526

- 5012

ii) History of Haryana - 5013

Ancient & Indian History Culture & Archaeology - 5028

Math-I(Algebra & Trigonometry) BM-101 5034

Music (V) 5025

Type-writing Theory English / Hindi OMSP-1 5150

Economics - 5016

Statistics (Descreptive Statistics) I 5037


Theory date sheet for B.A. /B.Sc. Part-I Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f. 7.10.2010

9/10/2010 English B 5002

Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) II 5065

Physics (Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Theory and

Electronics Devices

II 5063

Zoology Life and Dversity of Animals (Invertebrats)(Annelid to

Hemichordate) & Genetics

II 5070

Botany (Cell Biology and Genetics) II 5068

Mathematics (Calculus and Orinary Differential Equation) BM-102 5084

Electronics II 5074

Geology (Crystallography and Mineralogy) II 5072

Computer Architecture & Networking II 5078

C Programming Language II 5082

Anthropology (Pre Historic Archaeology) II 5076

Operating System & Business Data Processing C-II 5056

Toursim Product TTM-II 5054

Functional Hindi (Anuvad Sidhant Avam Vyavhar Prakash II 5045

Home Sc. (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) II 5033

Punjabi ) - 5009

Hindi ) - 5005

Sanskrit ) Elective - 5007

Urdu ) - 5011

English (Remedial Grammer) II 5043

Psychology (Experimental Psychology) - 5023

Insurance II 5040

Pol. Sc. : Opt. i) Political Theory - 5014

ii) Political Theory Concepts - 5015

Math-II (Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equation) BM-102 5035

Defence Studies - 5021

Applied Art - 5030

Commerce (Elements of Commerce) - 5039

Statistics(Probability Theory) II 5038

Short-Hand Theory OMSP-II 5153

Advertising ASM-II 5058

Indian Classical Dance - 5027

Sociology - 5020

Art (History & Appreciation of Art)- - 5029

Health & Physical Education - 5024

12/10/2010 Math III(Victor Analysis & Geometry) BM-103 5036

Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) III 5066

Mathematics (Vector Analysis and Geometry) BM-103 5085





Controller of Examinations

Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied

the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the


The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Practical and Written examination of Environment Studies for re-appar students will be

conducted by the college Principal. There shall, however, be no separate theory paper.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


8/10/2010 English A 7001

Botany (Diversity of Seeds Plants & Their System) I 7081

Industrial Chemistry I 7072

Hindi ) - 7038

Sanskrit ) 7040

Punjabi ) Compulsory for BA - 7004

Urdu ) - 7006

Additioinal English ) - 7003

Hindi ) 7075

Sanskrit ) Compulsory for B Sc 7074

Punjabi ) . 7088-X

Psychology Opt.i) Social Psychology - 7023

ii) Development Psychology - 7024

Data Base Mgt. System CA-III 7280

Tourism Marketing TTM-III 7282

Insurance (Law & Practice of Insurance) - 7050

Functional Hindi I 7052

History of Art - 7030

Economics - 7013

Physics (Computer Prog. Thermodynamics & Stat. Physics) I 7076

Zoology (Life & Diversity of Chordates) I 7083

Math-I (Advance Calculus) BM-201 7031

Math-I (For B.Sc. only) (Advance Calculus) BM-201 7067

Music (V) - 7025

Anthropology (PalaeoaAnthropology) I 7047

Physical Geography - 7020

Physical Geography (For B.Sc. only) - 7063

Home Science (Clothing & Textile) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) I 7036

Philosophy Opt. i) Logic (Indian & Western) - 7015

ii) Logic & Method (Indian & Western) - 7016

Functional English(A writing Skill & Introducing to Broadcast Media) A 7054

Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) I 7078

Marketing (Salesmanship & Agriculture Marketing) - 7049

Electronics I 7065

Data & File Structure (Computer Sc.) I 7085

Object Oriented Programming Using C++ (I.T.) I 7087

Geology(Petrology & Optical Mineralogy) I 7042

Political Sc. Opt. i) Indian Govt. & Politics - 7011

ii) International Relations - 7012

Statistics- (Stat. Math.) 201 7034

StatisticsI (Stat. Math.) (For B.Sc. only) 201 7070

Office Practice-I OMSP-III 7286

Advertising-II ASM-III 7284

Music (Inst.) - 7026


Theory date sheet for B.A. / B. Sc. Part-II Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f. 8.10.2010

10/10/2010 English B 7002

Botany(Structure Dev. & Re-Production in Flowing Plants) II 7082

Industrial Chemistry II 7073

Functional Hindi (Nirvachan & Press Vigpati) II 7053

History Opt. i) History of India from AD 1526 to 1857 - 7009

ii) History of India from 1857-1950 7010

Physics (Waves & Optics) II 7077

Public Administration (Indian Administration) - 7014

Travel Agency & Tour Operator Business TTM-IV 7283

Zoology (Mammalian Physiology) II 7084

Anthropology (Social Anthropology) II 7048

Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) II 7079

Home Sc. (Physiology) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) II 7037

Functional English (Conversational English) II 7055

Math -II (Differential Equation & Cut Variations) BM 202 7032

Math-II (For B.Sc. only) (Differential Equation & Cal. Variations) BM-202 7068

Hindi ) - 7039

Punjabi ) Elective - 7005

Urdu ) - 7007

Sanskrit ) - 7041

Applied Art - 7046

Commerce (Basic of Accounting - 7051

Defence Studies Opt. i) World Military History 7017

ii) Study on War 7018

Structure Prog. & Computer Graphics CA-IV 7281

Electrnics II 7066

Object Oriented Design & C++ (Computer Sc.) II 7086

Computer Networking & Internet Programmig (IT) II 7088

Geology (Paleontology) II 7043

Sociology (Research Methodology) - 7019

Statistics-II(Sample Survey & Design of Exp.) 202 7035

Statistics-II(Sample Survey & Design of Exp.) (for B.Sc.only) 202 7071

Typewriting & Shorthand Theory OMSP_IV 7287

Personal Selling & Salesmanship ASM-IV 7285

Health & Physical Education 7022

Art (History & Appreciation of Art) 7029

13/10/2010 Math-III (Mechanics) BM-203 7033

Math-III (For B.Sc. only) (Mechanics) BM-203 7069

Chemistry(Organic Chemistry) III 7080




Controller of Examinations

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the


The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


01/10/10 English A 9001

03/10/10 English B 9002

04/10/10 1-Psychology Opt. i) Psycho Pathology - 9025

ii) Applied Psychology - 9026

2-Insurance(Acturial Science) - 9042

3-Prayojan Mulak Hindi V 9081

4-Botany (Plant Physiology, Bio-Chemistry & Bio-Tech.) I 9054

5-Industrial Chemistry I 9066

6-Physics-I (Solid State Physics Automic, Molecular & Laser Physics) I 9049

7-History of Art - 9031

05/10/10 Public Admn. Opt. i) Development Admn. - 9016

ii) Local Govt. & Admn. In India - 9017

06/10/10 1-Zoology (Aqua Culture & Post Management) I 9056

2-Health & Physical Education - 9078

3-Office Practice-II OMSP-V 9108

4-Mgt. of Sales Forces ASM-V 9047

07/10/10 Emerging Concept for Effective Tourism Development TTM-V 9044

08/10/10 1-Statistics-I (Applied Statistics) 301 9039

2-Statistics-I (Applied Statistics) (for B.Sc. only) 301 9105

09/10/10 1-Home Sc. (Food & Nutrition) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) I 9033

2-Functional English-A (Comm. English Broadcasting Radio & TV) I 9079

3-Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) I 9051

10/10/10 Music (V) - 9027

11/10/10 1-Political Sc. Opt. i) Comparative Govt. & Politics - 9013

ii) Public Admn. - 9014

2-Indian Classical Dance (Kathak) - 9029

3-Statistics-II (Computational Techniques) 302 9040

4-Statistics-II (Computational Techniques) (for B.Sc. only) 302 9106

5-Stenograph Theory OMPS-VI 9100

6-Zoology (Ecology Evolution & Dev. Biology) II 9057

7-Sales Promotion & Public Relations ASM-VI 9048

12/10/10 Defence Studies Opt. i) National Defence & Space Security - 9023

ii) International Relations - 9024

13/10/10 1-Prayojan Mulak Hindi VI 9082

2-Botany (Ecology & Utilization of Plants) II 9055

3-Industrial Chemistry (Polymer Sc.) II 9067

4-Industrial Chemistry (Pharmaceutical) II 9068

5-Physics-II (Quantum Mechanics & Nuclear Physics) II 9050

6-History Opt. i) Ancient & Medieval World - 9011

ii) Modern World - 9012

14/10/10 1-Math-I (Analysis) BM-301 9036

2-Math-I (Analysis) (for B.Sc. only) BM-301 9102

15/10/10 1- Hindi ) - 9004

2-Sanskrit ) Compulsory (for B.A.) - 9006

3- Additional English - 9003


Theory date sheet for B.A. / B. Sc. Part-III Supple. Examination commencing w.e.f. 01.10.2010

16/10/10 1-Math-II (Abstract Algebra) BM-302-A 9037

2-Math-II (Abstract Algebra) (For B.Sc. only) BM-302-A 9103

18/10/10 1-Hindi ) - 9005

2-Sanskrit ) Elective - 9007

3-Punjabi ) - 9009

4-Urdu ) - 9010

5-Applied Art (Commercial Art & Designing & Painting) - 9032

6-Commerce (Principles of Mgt.) - 9043

7-Electronics I 9060

8-Computer sc. (Data Base Mgt. System Oracle & Visual Basic) I 9062

9-Geology (Structural Geology & Stratingraphy) I 9058

10-Information Technology (Prog. in Visual Basic & Oracle) I 9069

19/10/10 1-Geography (Human Geography & Resources Environment) I 9035

2-Home Sc.(Child Psy. & Mother Craft) (2.30 p.m. to 4.30. p.m.) II 9034

3-Philosophy Opt. i) Ethics & Social Philosophy (Indian & Western) - 9018

ii) Ethics & Pol. Philosophy(Indian & Western) - 9019

4-Functional English (Business Communication Writing Skill) II 9080

5-Marketing - 9041

6-Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) II 9052

20/10/10 1-Electronics II 9061

2-Computer Sc. (Software Engg.) II 9063

3-Geology (Eco. Geology, Indian Mineral & Environmental Geology) II 9059

4-Information Technology (Linux Operating System) II 9070

5-Economics(Dev. & Environmental Economics & International Trade) - 9015

21/10/10 1-Math-III (Programming in C & Numerical Analysis) BM-303-A 9038

2-Math-III (Programming in C & Numerical Analysis) (For B.Sc. only) BM-303-A 9104

22/10/10 1-Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) III 9053

2-Sociology Opt. i) Indian Society - 9020

ii) Social Problems - 9021

iii) Population & Society - 9022

3-Information Communication & Automation TTM-VI 9045

4-Art (History & Appreciation of Art (Common with Clay Modeling) - 9030

23/10/10 1-Computer Aided Drafting & Advanced Topics in Computer (BA/B


CA-V 9046

2-Music (Inst.) - 9028



3- Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the


The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


12.10.2010 Indian Tax System & IncomeTax TPP-I 6014

Marketing Communication ASM-I 6049

Tourism Business TTM-I 6045

Computer Fundamental & Introduction to IBMPC-I CA-I 6047

Typewriting Theory OMSP-I 6043

Central and State Sales (Tax Procedure & Practice) TPP-II 6015

Operating System & Business Data Processing CA-II 6048

Tourism Product TTM-II 6046

Advertising ASM-II 6050

Short-Hand Theory OMSP-II 6044

Business Communications I 6001

Business Mathematics II 6002

Financial Accounting III 6003

Business Economics IV 6004

Business Management V 6005

Basic of Computer VI 6006

Communication Skill & Business Terminology - 6013





Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations


Theory date sheet for B..Com . Part-I Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f. 12.10.2010

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after

the examination.

The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Practical and Written examination of Environment Studies for re-appar students will

be conducted by the college Principal. There shall, however, be no separate theory

paper.Time of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


15.10.2010 Direct Tax-I Procedure & Practice TPP-III 7098

Data Base Mgt. System CA-III 7100

Tourism Marketing TTM-III 7102

Advertising-II ASM-III 7104

Office Practice-I OMSP-III 7106

Direct Tax-II Procedure & Practice TPP-IV 7099

Structure Programming & Computer Graphics CA-IV 7101

Personal Selling & Salesmanship ASM-IV 7105

Type-Writing & Short-Hand Theory OMSP-IV 7107

Travel Agency Tour Operation Business TTM-IV 7103

Business Regulatory Frame Work I 7089

Corporate Accounting II 7090

Company Law Auditing III 7091

Business Statistics IV 7092

Principles of Marketing V 7093

Application of Information Tech. in Business VI(a) 7094

Indian Financial System VI(b) 7095

Fundamental of Insurance VI(c) 7096

Human Resource Mgt. VI(d) 7097



3- Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations


Theory date sheet for B..Com . Part-II Supplementary Examination commencing

w.e.f. 15.10.2010

Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they

have been supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall

not be entertained after the examination.

The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre atTime of Exam.: 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Centre of Exam.: As per Roll No. Slip & Building Notice

Date Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper Paper


01-10-2010 1-Emerging Concept for Effective Tourism Development TTM-V 9083

2-Computer Added Drafting & Advanced Topics in Computer CA-V 9095

3-Mgt. of Sales Forces ASM-V 9096

4- Indirect Tax-I Procedure & Practice TPP-V 9097

5-Office Practice-II OMSP-V 9099

03-10-2010 1-Information Communication & Automation TTM-VI 9084

2-Indirect Tax-II Procedure & Practice TPP-VI 9098

3-Stenography Theory OMSP-VI 9100

4-Sales Promotion & Public Relations ASM-VI 9107

04-10-2010 Investment Mgt. V&VI(iii) 9091

05-10-2010 Advertising & Sales Mgmt. V&VI(v) 99009930-X

6-10-2010 Indirect Taxes V&VI(iv) 9092

07-10-2010 Essential E-Commerce V & VI(vi) 9094

08-10-2010 Financial Marketing Operational V&VI(i) 9089

09-10-2010 International Marketing V&VI(ii) 9090

11-10-2010 Income Tax I 9085

12-10-2010 Cost Accounting II 9086

13-10-2010 Management Accounting & Financial Mgt. III 9087

14-10-2010 Business Environment IV 9088



3- Use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator is not allowed.

Controller of Examinations


Theory date sheet for B..Com . Part-III Supplementary Examination commencing w.e.f.


Before answering the question paper, the candidate should ensure that they have been

supplied the correct paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained

after the examination.

The pager and mobile phone are not allowed in the examination centre at any cost.

Monday, September 20, 2010




Friday, September 17, 2010



BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2,



On the basis of interviews held in the months of August and September, 2010, the

Commission has finalized the result for the under mentioned category of post. The candidates with

following roll numbers have been selected. The result has been shown roll number wise and

category wise and the marks secured by the last selected candidate in each category have been

shown in bracket.

2. The interviews of the eligible candidates who are working on the posts of JBT

Teacher as guest teachers and impleaded as petitioners and also applied against Advt. No. 4/2009,

Category No. 01 have already been conducted in compliance of interim orders of the Hon’ble

Supreme Court in SLP No. 9247 of 2010-Gopal Singh & ors and other connected petitions after

due publication of public notices dated 26.8.2010 & 30.8.2010 in various newspapers. However,

result of such candidates is not required to be declared unless directed by the Hon’ble Apex Court.

The above said result will further be subject to the final decision of Hon’ble Apex Court in the

aforesaid SLPs.

3. The allocation of Districts to the selected candidates will be made by the Primary

Education Department, Haryana keeping in view the options of the candidates and the availability

of vacancies in the Districts.


JBT TEACHER, Education Department

Advt. No. 4/2009 , Category No. 01 (9647 Posts ) (Read with Corrigendum dated 12.3.2010 and



GEN ( 2734 Posts): 000005 000006 000007 000012 000021

000024 000027 000031 000032 000034

000038 000041 000057 000060 000061

000066 000069 000070 000078 000083

000088 000096 000097 000102 000109

000114 000116 000117 000120 000121

000122 000123 000127 000128 000135

000139 000150 000152 000160 000166

000167 000168 000177 000184 000186

000188 000191 000192 000195 000196

000208 000227 000230 000233 000239

000241 000246 000247 000249 000251

000252 000267 000282 000283 000284

000290 000292 000293 000294 000297

000299 000303 000306 000313 000314

000318 000325 000327 000328 000332

000333 000346 000348 000351 000354

000359 000361 000365 000366 000369

000372 000373 000383 000384 000390

000394 000397 000399 000400 000401

000409 000415 000417 000418 000426

000427 000430 000432 000441 000443

000445 000450 000455 000456 000458

000470 000475 000476 000479 000481

000482 000483 000490 000494 000496



000500 000502 000503 000507 000508

000512 000517 000523 000525 000528

000530 000531 000537 000539 000541

000544 000545 000548 000552 000563

000564 000568 000569 000576 000578

000580 000581 000582 000585 000592

000593 000596 000602 000609 000610

000611 000624 000629 000633 000636

000639 000643 000661 000672 000674

000676 000682 000683 000688 000690

000691 000694 000696 000706 000709

000713 000715 000717 000718 000727

000728 000731 000737 000738 000739

000743 000746 000747 000751 000752

000753 000755 000763 000765 000767

000773 000776 000777 000778 000790

000795 000800 000806 000809 000811

000814 000815 000816 000821 000823

000827 000828 000831 000832 000833

000835 000837 000840 000844 000848

000850 000854 000856 000861 000866

000874 000875 000882 000883 000886

000892 000899 000903 000905 000907

000909 000910 000915 000920 000933

000941 000950 000958 000959 000961

000965 000969 000975 000982 000984

000985 000988 000998 001004 001005

001009 001011 001012 001013 001015

001024 001030 001034 001039 001049

001050 001059 001062 001067 001069

001070 001071 001074 001076 001077

001084 001085 001087 001108 001122

001127 001129 001132 001135 001137

001139 001140 001144 001146 001150

001152 001161 001163 001167 001172

001173 001174 001178 001187 001188

001191 001194 001195 001199 001204

001205 001206 001208 001210 001211

001214 001218 001222 001223 001225

001232 001235 001236 001237 001250

001252 001257 001278 001280 001284

001290 001297 001298 001301 001302

001313 001318 001320 001324 001328

001329 001331 001332 001336 001338

001351 001353 001354 001358 001360

001361 001366 001370 001372 001373

001374 001389 001392 001393 001394

001396 001397 001398 001399 001403

001418 001424 001427 001428 001434

001435 001440 001451 001452 001453

001464 001467 001473 001478 001480

001488 001492 001493 001494 001496

001497 001515 001521 001530 001534



001536 001538 001539 001541 001543

001547 001549 001551 001557 001562

001567 001570 001572 001573 001582

001592 001603 001609 001611 001612

001613 001626 001629 001633 001634

001635 001636 001637 001638 001640

001646 001647 001648 001649 001650

001651 001653 001655 001659 001664

001679 001689 001706 001709 001721

001722 001725 001728 001737 001739

001740 001745 001746 001747 001748

001749 001753 001759 001764 001767

001770 001784 001785 001788 001791

001793 001794 001803 001804 001811

001812 001813 001820 001828 001836

001837 001839 001848 001852 001858

001864 001869 001889 001895 001899

001911 001913 001919 001926 001939

001940 001948 001949 001958 001964

001966 001980 001989 001993 002005

002011 002012 002024 002027 002029

002031 002033 002035 002036 002038

002039 002044 002046 002047 002050

002051 002060 002061 002065 002075

002079 002085 002089 002095 002105

002106 002129 002138 002146 002147

002158 002171 002188 002194 002208

002216 002224 002232 002239 002241

002257 002259 002261 002273 002284

002288 002293 002296 002299 002302

002303 002304 002310 002314 002330

002332 002350 002351 002353 002355

002358 002362 002365 002374 002375

002378 002385 002400 002406 002407

002424 002427 002439 002445 002453

002458 002462 002469 002471 002484

002492 002505 002509 002511 002519

002521 002523 002524 002533 002538

002540 002541 002548 002549 002550

002551 002560 002563 002565 002569

002573 002576 002577 002579 002581

002582 002583 002589 002592 002594

002595 002603 002609 002618 002621

002631 002632 002633 002637 002644

002652 002654 002656 002658 002661

002663 002664 002665 002680 002686

002687 002699 002700 002702 002706

002708 002710 002718 002719 002721

002723 002724 002726 002728 002730

002732 002734 002737 002739 002740



002750 002752 002754 002755 002756

002762 002766 002771 002780 002786

002788 002793 002796 002797 002800

002807 002810 002815 002816 002819

002832 002836 002838 002841 002842

002846 002847 002848 002857 002859

002863 002865 002872 002882 002885

002886 002889 002891 002894 002898

002903 002907 002909 002917 002929

002933 002934 002937 002940 002942

002946 002947 002952 002954 002958

002959 002965 002969 002970 002973

002974 002990 002991 002994 002998

003006 003009 003011 003012 003013

003019 003028 003032 003033 003036

003037 003043 003050 003065 003069

003071 003073 003077 003078 003081

003082 003083 003085 003088 003091

003098 003100 003103 003111 003112

003114 003116 003117 003125 003126

003128 003130 003143 003152 003153

003159 003170 003171 003173 003174

003175 003177 003184 003191 003200

003203 003213 003223 003226 003231

003234 003236 003237 003239 003246

003254 003257 003265 003267 003273

003277 003279 003282 003288 003289

003293 003295 003300 003305 003310

003311 003312 003315 003316 003323

003333 003335 003336 003346 003355

003356 003357 003363 003365 003366

003368 003370 003371 003372 003379

003386 003387 003390 003391 003395

003405 003406 003408 003409 003413

003415 003417 003424 003426 003427

003432 003436 003438 003447 003450

003452 003453 003457 003463 003474

003475 003484 003488 003493 003499

003501 003505 003508 003520 003521

003522 003523 003525 003538 003540

003543 003544 003549 003554 003560

003565 003568 003569 003570 003573

003575 003577 003594 003596 003601

003610 003611 003612 003613 003618

003621 003628 003629 003633 003638

003641 003642 003648 003651 003653

003654 003658 003660 003664 003678

003687 003690 003691 003697 003702

003711 003717 003721 003723 003724

003735 003737 003738 003741 003744

003749 003750 003753 003759 003766

003771 003775 003777 003783 003791

003792 003802 003803 003804 003806



003807 003811 003813 003814 003817

003818 003826 003837 003839 003843

003848 003854 003855 003860 003861

003863 003865 003866 003877 003882

003884 003886 003888 003890 003892

003893 003895 003897 003899 003902

003907 003908 003911 003916 003918

003927 003932 003934 003945 003946

003947 003953 003959 003963 003966

003969 003977 003982 003985 003994

003999 004005 004014 004023 004024

004032 004035 004040 004052 004058

004059 004062 004063 004069 004072

004081 004082 004083 004085 004087

004088 004095 004097 004098 004099

004113 004115 004116 004117 004118

004119 004120 004125 004133 004137

004138 004139 004153 004154 004157

004161 004162 004164 004168 004169

004173 004177 004181 004182 004188

004189 004193 004195 004196 004206

004209 004211 004213 004227 004229

004233 004239 004240 004246 004247

004252 004253 004266 004275 004276

004281 004284 004287 004288 004293

004301 004308 004320 004335 004336

004338 004345 004354 004355 004373

004376 004377 004378 004379 004380

004381 004397 004401 004414 004416

004419 004420 004424 004427 004429

004435 004436 004438 004441 004442

004451 004464 004466 004474 004475

004476 004477 004486 004489 004498

004502 004506 004507 004514 004517

004519 004520 004525 004535 004537

004542 004547 004551 004555 004556

004561 004564 004567 004568 004581

004592 004596 004597 004598 004600

004613 004618 004625 004627 004630

004634 004636 004641 004645 004647

004674 004675 004677 004678 004681

004686 004689 004696 004698 004699

004703 004704 004710 004714 004723

004728 004731 004736 004740 004741

004744 004747 004754 004759 004765

004772 004774 004775 004776 004778

004779 004783 004792 004798 004799

004800 004801 004802 004805 004809

004815 004821 004824 004825 004829

004833 004836 004839 004840 004844

004846 004849 004855 004856 004857

004863 004871 004877 004878 004879



004880 004883 004884 004886 004892

004894 004897 004898 004899 004907

004910 004911 004913 004916 004922

004924 004925 004926 004930 004936

004946 004948 004952 004954 004955

004959 004961 004962 004963 004965

004966 004969 004986 004990 004997

004998 005001 005004 005007 005009

005011 005012 005016 005019 005024

005029 005030 005031 005032 005038

005039 005041 005044 005046 005052

005053 005054 005059 005060 005064

005065 005066 005069 005071 005073

005076 005078 005081 005083 005086

005093 005094 005099 005109 005110

005115 005118 005123 005124 005125

005133 005134 005136 005137 005139

005141 005144 005145 005150 005155

005157 005160 005162 005165 005166

005170 005173 005179 005181 005183

005186 005187 005189 005192 005194

005195 005199 005200 005201 005202

005204 005211 005214 005215 005218

005224 005229 005231 005233 005235

005236 005238 005239 005244 005248

005250 005251 005253 005255 005260

005265 005266 005268 005270 005272

005273 005282 005284 005288 005292

005296 005301 005302 005307 005309

005311 005318 005320 005321 005327

005338 005340 005342 005344 005350

005352 005356 005359 005363 005364

005366 005368 005378 005380 005388

005390 005391 005393 005394 005395

005397 005399 005401 005403 005404

005409 005414 005415 005420 005426

005428 005429 005430 005434 005436

005441 005442 005447 005450 005452

005455 005456 005458 005465 005474

005475 005478 005480 005484 005485

005489 005491 005492 005493 005494

005495 005500 005501 005503 005508

005509 005513 005518 005519 005523

005525 005528 005530 005531 005532

005537 005540 005542 005543 005546

005549 005550 005552 005554 005555

005556 005557 005558 005563 005566

005567 005570 005572 005573 005575

005576 005579 005580 005582 005583

005584 005587 005590 005592 005593

005595 005596 005597 005598 005599

005600 005601 005604 005606 005609



005618 005619 005632 005634 005638

005641 005643 005645 005649 005653

005654 005659 005660 005662 005663

005664 005667 005669 005671 005673

005674 005675 005676 005680 005681

005686 005688 005689 005694 005698

005699 005700 005705 005708 005712

005713 005715 005719 005723 005725

005732 005734 005736 005747 005748

005754 005758 005762 005766 005768

005769 005771 005775 005777 005778

005780 005783 005784 005785 005786

005787 005789 005795 005796 005799

005801 005806 005807 005808 005809

005813 005815 005824 005825 005826

005828 005829 005831 005833 005837

005839 005841 005850 005854 005855

005856 005861 005865 005866 005867

005873 005874 005876 005879 005883

005884 005887 005888 005889 005890

005899 005902 005908 005910 005913

005915 005918 005919 005922 005923

005928 005929 005938 005945 005951

005956 005957 005960 005962 005968

005970 005972 005976 005986 005987

005988 005990 005994 005995 005996

006004 006007 006009 006010 006011

006012 006013 006016 006021 006023

006024 006026 006027 006029 006031

006033 006038 006040 006042 006047

006051 006052 006053 006056 006057

006061 006063 006072 006078 006079

006081 006082 006085 006092 006103

006104 006111 006117 006122 006123

006127 006129 006134 006135 006143

006144 006150 006157 006158 006159

006161 006163 006170 006173 006175

006182 006190 006192 006195 006196

006199 006202 006203 006205 006206

006209 006210 006211 006216 006219

006221 006226 006234 006240 006245

006247 006248 006250 006251 006254

006257 006267 006272 006273 006277

006284 006286 006288 006289 006292

006296 006300 006308 006311 006315

006318 006321 006322 006328 006329

006333 006338 006339 006343 006345

006346 006348 006350 006351 006354

006357 006358 006359 006366 006374

006380 006381 006383 006390 006391

006392 006394 006395 006396 006397

006399 006401 006402 006403 006406



006410 006411 006413 006419 006421

006422 006426 006439 006441 006444

006448 006452 006453 006455 006457

006459 006470 006471 006476 006477

006481 006485 006488 006494 006497

006505 006506 006511 006513 006519

006527 006535 006542 006551 006552

006555 006559 006563 006568 006569

006571 006572 006576 006582 006591

006592 006596 006597 006602 006603

006605 006611 006618 006619 006623

006624 006625 006626 006629 006632

006633 006635 006636 006638 006645

006647 006653 006654 006656 006657

006659 006660 006662 006664 006667

006669 006670 006673 006676 006680

006681 006682 006684 006689 006695

006696 006701 006705 006708 006711

006714 006718 006720 006722 006724

006728 006730 006734 006745 006756

006760 006761 006762 006776 006783

006784 006785 006797 006802 006804

006805 006810 006813 006818 006829

006831 006834 006835 006838 006840

006843 006844 006845 006848 006851

006852 006854 006859 006861 006862

006865 006873 006874 006877 006889

006890 006896 006902 006909 006910

006917 006920 006922 006926 006941

006951 006954 006957 006963 006970

006976 006979 006980 006985 006990

007002 007003 007005 007007 007008

007010 007011 007013 007014 007015

007016 007019 007022 007024 007027

007028 007031 007032 007034 007037

007044 007045 007047 007051 007055

007064 007065 007068 007070 007076

007079 007085 007093 007099 007106

007122 007129 007131 007137 007148

007149 007150 007161 007165 007166

007171 007175 007181 007182 007183

007191 007196 007198 007203 007205

007206 007207 007210 007215 007223

007226 007229 007231 007238 007239

007241 007244 007247 007248 007249

007250 007252 007261 007266 007274

007277 007280 007291 007292 007299

007303 007313 007315 007317 007318

007319 007321 007325 007328 007332

007342 007344 007345 007350 007356

007357 007366 007368 007371 007384

007387 007391 007400 007403 007406



007409 007410 007419 007420 007427

007432 007435 007437 007439 007444

007456 007457 007458 007462 007464

007469 007470 007472 007473 007477

007480 007482 007483 007495 007496

007497 007498 007510 007512 007523

007524 007533 007534 007537 007546

007561 007565 007569 007573 007577

007578 007582 007597 007603 007612

007614 007615 007617 007620 007624

007630 007631 007639 007649 007650

007657 007658 007664 007668 007677

007679 007682 007686 007687 007690

007691 007692 007696 007701 007702

007710 007719 007728 007731 007738

007740 007741 007747 007748 007751

007756 007759 007768 007773 007774

007775 007783 007785 007791 007793

007795 007797 007800 007805 007809

007810 007813 007816 007817 007822

007828 007829 007831 007833 007835

007840 007841 007847 007849 007862

007863 007865 007869 007871 007874

007875 007880 007881 007884 007886

007898 007901 007902 007904 007912

007913 007915 007918 007920 007922

007928 007929 007939 007941 007942

007948 007954 007955 007956 007960

007962 007963 007964 007967 007968

007973 007975 007978 007980 007990

007991 007993 007997 008001 008002

008004 008005 008008 008009 008011

008015 008016 008017 008025 008026

008033 008037 008038 008047 008049

008050 008063 008065 008067 008068

008080 008081 008082 008083 008093

008094 008095 008096 008097 008103

008105 008106 008108 008114 008117

008121 008122 008124 008125 008134

008136 008143 008148 008150 008151

008164 008167 008170 008174 008182

008184 008190 008192 008193 008195

008203 008204 008210 008220 008223

008225 008236 008247 008251 008257

008261 008267 008270 008271 008272

008273 008284 008291 008295 008299

008301 008304 008306 008309 008310

008317 008318 008322 008344 008348

008358 008359 008363 008364 008367

008371 008375 008378 008381 008385

008386 008392 008403 008406 008407



008410 008412 008414 008415 008428

008436 008437 008441 008442 008447

008448 008453 008456 008461 008467

008479 008480 008483 008487 008489

008490 008491 008493 008495 008499

008501 008504 008511 008513 008518

008523 008524 008531 008539 008542

008547 008551 008552 008562 008567

008571 008572 008573 008574 008575

008580 008583 008589 008592 008593

008594 008599 008602 008605 008607

008611 008613 008615 008617 008618

008619 008621 008624 008626 008637

008642 008647 008653 008658 008659

008667 008671 008674 008675 008678

008679 008681 008684 008690 008691

008695 008696 008704 008706 008708

008710 008711 008716 008719 008724

008725 008726 008734 008742 008743

008747 008749 008750 008752 008755

008757 008760 008762 008763 008765

008768 008773 008776 008782 008788

008792 008795 008797 008799 008801

008802 008806 008814 008816 008817

008819 008822 008826 008827 008831

008833 008834 008837 008847 008848

008849 008854 008855 008858 008861

008862 008863 008867 008869 008870

008872 008873 008886 008888 008890

008892 008896 008898 008903 008911

008914 008925 008931 008938 008940

008942 008943 008947 008950 008953

008968 008971 008975 008976 008979

008981 008993 008994 008997 009004

009009 009021 009030 009031 009032

009034 009037 009040 009041 009045

009050 009062 009063 009074 009075

009081 009083 009087 009088 009089

009092 009099 009108 009127 009128

009133 009138 009145 009164 009165

009171 009176 009181 009185 009199

009200 009203 009207 009212 009224

009230 009238 009246 009247 009268

009270 009280 009282 009304 009305

009315 009320 009323 009334 009345

009353 009360 009365 009371 009375

009378 009379 009391 009394 009401

009410 009419 009423 009424 009443

009445 009448 009462 009469 009472

009475 009476 009481 009482 009490

009503 009508 009510 009512 009513

009515 009518 009535 009545 009546

009547 009559 009568 009578 009584



009585 009591 009592 009605 009618

009625 009642 009644 009649 009651

009664 009670 009674 009710 009711

009718 009726 009727 009728 009760

009779 009784 009832 009835 009836

009886 009897 009904 009909 009913

009916 009917 009920 009924 009980

009982 009990 010010 010011 010031

010035 010036 010037 010039 010053

010087 010089 010091 010094 010105

010106 010110 010133 010134 010136

010200 010209 010219 010220 010222

010225 010230 010270 010274 010280

010291 010292 010294 010295 010296

010301 010303 010305 010307 010312

010316 010320 010326 010330 010331

010333 010343 010356 010359 010367

010368 010369 010370 010371 010378

010383 010387 010557 010569 010574

010583 010587 010588 010595 010600

010611 010612 010618 010623 010632

010650 010653 010655 010660 010662

010664 010666 010683 010689 010690

010696 010711 010719 010724 010731

010732 010733 010748 010752 010756

010760 010763 010815 010817 010836

010844 010851 010863 010868 010869

010888 010904 010913 010915 010924

010957 010996 011005 011016 011029

011032 011059 011063 011137 011143

011145 011146 011154 011158 011168

011170 011172 011175 011186 011187

011188 011200 011210 011219 011225

011267 011272 011277 011285 011286

011288 011299 011302 011304 011307

011313 011314 011318 011319 011320

011323 011327 011329 011334 011338

011341 011349 011351 011352 011353

011355 011358 011359 011361 011363

011364 011372 011374 011375 011376

011378 011382 011385 011386 011388

011389 011392 011393 011394 011395

011396 011399 011400 011401 011403

011410 011414 011415 011418 011421

011423 011425 011428 011442 011445

011477 011480 011496 011508 011511

011518 011520 011523 011524 011526

011527 011528 011530 011531 011538

011551 011553 011561 011565 011569

011581 011584 011586 011590 011591

011593 011594 011596 011606 011607



011610 011611 011619 011622 011624

011630 011632 011634 011639 011641

011645 011647 011651 011652 ( 56.02 )

Waiting : 000047 000468 000518 000723 000849

000942 000943 000945 000951 000952

001016 001021 001027 001111 001153

001239 001364 001386 001439 001470

001512 001707 001900 001931 001944

001959 001974 001994 002020 002034

002107 002183 002328 002354 002446

002542 002877 003318 003420 003534

003726 004254 004291 004631 004695

004808 005006 005240 005290 005323

005365 005851 005878 006028 006043

006087 006099 006290 006375 006389

006429 006430 006438 006463 006528

006534 006538 006541 006607 006640

006666 006688 006691 006726 006744

006770 006807 006811 006847 006883

006892 006982 007004 007116 007163

007735 007843 007858 007866 007903

008034 008039 008087 008135 008346

008540 008543 008566 008590 008712

008764 008846 008864 008899 009079

009134 009194 009195 009205 009213

009228 009301 009322 009332 009343

009351 009352 009376 009403 009438

009507 009526 009555 009599 009633

009654 009801 009814 009929 009933

009937 009988 010117 010118 010147

010156 010184 010185 010188 010189

010204 010214 010217 010226 010235

010237 010242 010243 010261 010263

010267 010271 010281 010313 010353

010391 010393 010396 010397 010398

010399 010490 010491 010492 010495

010496 010500 010505 010506 010508

010509 010512 010513 010515 010516

010593 010616 010630 010637 010652

010697 010751 010773 010782 010784

010785 010787 010788 010789 010790

010792 010793 010795 010796 010798

010799 010800 010803 010804 010805

010809 010831 010842 010955 010963

010970 010971 010973 010976 010977

010978 010980 010981 010984 010985

010986 010987 010988 011033 011055

011072 011079 011080 011087 011089

011094 011096 011098 011099 011101

011102 011103 011104 011105 011108



011113 011116 011123 011124 011139

011141 011142 011197 011214 011217

011218 011222 011223 011235 011239

011240 011244 011253 011256 011260

011263 011266 011284 011328 011356

011402 011466 011492 011572 011578

011592 011599 011621 011626 011627

011628 011636 011642 ( 47.48 )

GEN (Female) ( 1340 Posts): 000001 000022 000042 000052 000056

000062 000067 000084 000107 000110

000111 000119 000140 000142 000147

000164 000201 000204 000214 000234

000253 000265 000268 000279 000281

000286 000295 000302 000304 000316

000330 000337 000364 000367 000368

000374 000375 000379 000381 000404

000413 000414 000434 000453 000459

000463 000464 000467 000519 000520

000527 000534 000536 000574 000579

000586 000591 000594 000598 000600

000606 000608 000616 000617 000621

000648 000650 000658 000684 000689

000704 000745 000759 000772 000774

000775 000781 000787 000789 000802

000812 000826 000829 000877 000891

000917 000926 000928 000935 000938

000940 000949 000962 000967 000971

000972 000973 000994 000996 000997

001001 001002 001010 001031 001036

001044 001046 001060 001066 001079

001086 001094 001096 001104 001115

001125 001143 001149 001175 001176

001177 001182 001185 001234 001248

001251 001261 001273 001285 001316

001325 001330 001346 001348 001355

001356 001367 001368 001371 001388

001390 001406 001414 001417 001425

001426 001443 001463 001475 001483

001484 001487 001490 001500 001502

001504 001509 001519 001528 001545

001546 001553 001554 001555 001558

001559 001561 001601 001621 001641

001642 001668 001673 001676 001696

001698 001699 001705 001719 001726

001782 001783 001816 001842 001843

001853 001857 001859 001870 001876

001878 001883 001887 001936 001952

001965 001971 001981 001983 001984



002009 002023 002071 002078 002098

002111 002130 002133 002141 002163

002167 002168 002178 002200 002221

002226 002245 002260 002265 002270

002283 002292 002298 002307 002316

002363 002373 002389 002396 002399

002410 002413 002414 002432 002433

002436 002449 002456 002459 002460

002461 002467 002468 002476 002485

002491 002499 002503 002504 002508

002510 002512 002514 002515 002518

002520 002532 002535 002553 002555

002561 002564 002575 002578 002584

002596 002605 002613 002635 002636

002648 002660 002666 002667 002671

002672 002675 002712 002713 002746

002747 002763 002783 002791 002831

002861 002864 002870 002880 002887

002897 002899 002904 002905 002918

002920 002927 002931 002936 002951

002955 002956 002960 002966 002975

002977 002978 002984 002985 003000

003059 003072 003075 003076 003090

003092 003093 003101 003104 003105

003134 003135 003146 003147 003157

003166 003167 003180 003202 003205

003218 003227 003238 003248 003251

003258 003263 003264 003270 003271

003274 003287 003309 003314 003324

003376 003388 003393 003411 003439

003461 003466 003472 003478 003483

003502 003503 003517 003524 003559

003572 003582 003585 003587 003598

003599 003602 003614 003643 003649

003650 003655 003657 003659 003667

003670 003692 003695 003698 003701

003705 003707 003715 003719 003725

003732 003734 003742 003747 003751

003760 003765 003778 003780 003781

003789 003795 003797 003819 003823

003828 003832 003833 003846 003849

003852 003856 003858 003859 003864

003869 003870 003872 003880 003909

003920 003928 003933 003962 003965

003973 003975 003988 003991 003992

003996 004004 004017 004033 004038

004042 004049 004050 004055 004060

004061 004064 004067 004070 004078

004096 004109 004114 004143 004165

004167 004174 004178 004184 004202



004204 004205 004231 004234 004261

004262 004304 004319 004331 004358

004392 004415 004423 004425 004426

004431 004437 004443 004452 004493

004515 004546 004579 004587 004599

004642 004679 004706 004707 004708

004717 004732 004733 004745 004763

004790 004795 004803 004823 004831

004834 004838 004845 004850 004868

004885 004888 004889 004896 004901

004904 004906 004908 004915 004917

004921 004929 004935 004945 004951

004964 004971 004978 004979 004982

004985 004988 004991 004994 004996

005010 005014 005021 005022 005028

005034 005047 005051 005063 005067

005070 005072 005074 005079 005080

005082 005096 005107 005119 005120

005121 005126 005130 005132 005147

005154 005156 005159 005163 005169

005174 005184 005193 005198 005203

005205 005209 005222 005227 005252

005256 005257 005276 005280 005295

005298 005300 005304 005310 005312

005317 005319 005324 005337 005341

005353 005354 005362 005371 005381

005392 005396 005402 005407 005416

005422 005424 005427 005432 005439

005459 005461 005469 005477 005479

005481 005497 005498 005506 005511

005520 005526 005533 005548 005568

005571 005602 005605 005613 005624

005630 005633 005642 005651 005687

005695 005706 005720 005726 005728

005730 005731 005733 005751 005779

005782 005793 005810 005820 005822

005823 005830 005836 005847 005848

005853 005863 005868 005877 005886

005894 005898 005931 005933 005946

005953 005954 005958 005964 005966

005977 005982 005991 005992 005999

006000 006008 006015 006022 006030

006034 006055 006076 006077 006083

006090 006097 006113 006116 006119

006121 006124 006130 006137 006145

006151 006154 006155 006165 006167

006172 006194 006212 006213 006220

006232 006233 006243 006252 006261

006264 006274 006276 006298 006303

006304 006317 006320 006323 006325



006342 006344 006355 006365 006367

006369 006376 006416 006425 006431

006442 006449 006454 006467 006468

006483 006491 006499 006503 006507

006509 006514 006517 006524 006531

006537 006540 006547 006556 006557

006560 006566 006567 006573 006581

006586 006593 006600 006606 006608

006614 006615 006616 006620 006641

006644 006692 006704 006706 006750

006751 006752 006755 006763 006779

006782 006788 006789 006800 006801

006815 006827 006828 006830 006839

006842 006849 006858 006864 006876

006879 006884 006899 006912 006915

006925 006930 006935 006952 006967

006984 006987 007021 007067 007075

007100 007105 007110 007124 007144

007152 007153 007202 007204 007217

007222 007227 007268 007271 007294

007302 007312 007322 007323 007335

007338 007341 007348 007349 007360

007361 007364 007367 007381 007382

007388 007399 007402 007411 007413

007414 007415 007416 007418 007424

007429 007436 007440 007443 007448

007461 007466 007467 007468 007471

007479 007489 007494 007502 007504

007518 007529 007545 007559 007568

007570 007574 007580 007595 007605

007610 007611 007633 007642 007643

007646 007647 007654 007666 007673

007675 007689 007700 007706 007708

007729 007730 007743 007749 007752

007758 007763 007765 007777 007779

007781 007792 007806 007808 007812

007821 007824 007825 007827 007838

007854 007855 007867 007868 007872

007885 007899 007900 007909 007914

007919 007921 007924 007927 007934

007937 007940 007945 007965 007966

007976 007979 007985 007986 007988

007989 007996 007999 008012 008019

008035 008042 008048 008056 008057

008071 008075 008076 008086 008088

008090 008099 008101 008104 008109

008110 008120 008132 008140 008142

008144 008152 008166 008169 008171

008175 008176 008181 008183 008187

008198 008199 008202 008206 008209



008211 008213 008214 008219 008231

008235 008238 008239 008242 008244

008245 008249 008252 008256 008259

008262 008274 008289 008290 008293

008294 008296 008297 008311 008312

008319 008325 008330 008332 008336

008338 008339 008340 008345 008347

008351 008353 008356 008361 008370

008379 008380 008384 008391 008399

008405 008417 008431 008432 008433

008455 008465 008471 008474 008488

008512 008515 008517 008520 008522

008537 008545 008546 008553 008563

008595 008596 008597 008608 008630

008633 008638 008639 008643 008645

008650 008651 008652 008654 008655

008656 008661 008665 008668 008669

008676 008687 008697 008698 008702

008713 008714 008751 008753 008754

008766 008777 008781 008791 008793

008809 008825 008839 008843 008868

008876 008885 008905 008917 008918

008922 008933 008935 008949 008955

008961 008965 008973 008980 008991

008995 008999 009001 009007 009025

009026 009029 009044 009053 009059

009060 009070 009071 009072 009073

009076 009078 009085 009086 009104

009109 009126 009156 009172 009173

009175 009178 009186 009206 009241

009248 009252 009258 009271 009274

009279 009281 009294 009295 009298

009302 009303 009313 009314 009319

009339 009350 009356 009369 009380

009383 009386 009395 009409 009422

009426 009431 009433 009439 009444

009461 009463 009470 009484 009486

009498 009524 009539 009552 009569

009579 009581 009587 009588 009606

009610 009611 009653 009665 009676

009707 009719 009723 009738 009741

009744 009787 009805 009827 009844

009852 009857 009864 009876 009881

009885 009942 009944 009949 009972

009984 009993 010000 010014 010016

010033 010054 010075 010092 010128

010129 010154 010178 010205 010206

010221 010224 010259 010272 010276

010277 010279 010282 010286 010298

010308 010311 010317 010324 010327



010332 010336 010341 010346 010350

010358 010365 010374 010586 010592

010601 010622 010631 010633 010641

010645 010649 010657 010658 010668

010673 010712 010713 010714 010715

010717 010718 010723 010727 010729

010734 010738 010761 010810 010812

010823 010835 010845 010846 010847

010859 010871 010876 010878 010885

010886 010889 010894 010911 010921

010925 010926 010938 010943 010945

010946 010950 010951 010954 010958

010965 011007 011021 011025 011037

011038 011039 011062 011081 011122

011135 011147 011160 011174 011179

011184 011192 011194 011209 011211

011227 011241 011270 011298 011300

011303 011308 011321 011322 011324

011335 011339 011342 011344 011346

011362 011365 011368 011390 011404

011406 011408 011411 011416 011420

011441 011452 011460 011493 011500

011504 011506 011507 011512 011521

011522 011525 011543 011546A 011547

011549 011550 011556 011560 011564

011571 011605 011609 011610A 011613

011616 011620 011623 011629 011633

011648 011649 011653 011654 011659

( 53.06 )

Waiting : 000073 000203 000254 000323 000407

000681 000698 000703 000766 000794

000863 000916 000919 000953 001025

001041 001319 001405 001544 001681

001687 001717 001760 001763 001792

001797 001840 002081 002144 002192

002470 002597 002640 002714 002764

002989 003029 003095 003149 003189

003631 003728 003980 004361 004410

004470 004482 004516 004638 004968

005305 005325 005382 005387 005517

005586 005661 005668 005684 005704

005724 005845 005870 005926 006169

006185 006218 006307 006316 006388

006495 006578 006622 006927 006939

007038 007125 007201 007224 007233

007397 007412 007434 007519 007632

007656 007762 007820 007926 007931

007987 008014 008024 008153 008165

008177 008217 008232 008258 008314

008334 008357 008429 008450 008554



008646 008699 008824 008923 008926

008990 008992 009042 009237 009242

009293 009459 009854 009865 009901

010083 010101 010164 010779 010786

011075 011090 011095 011180 011250

011309 011494 011579 011635 ( 50.00 )

SC ( 1233 Posts): 000010 000016 000025 000026 000033

000044 000045 000049 000053 000055

000063 000068 000087 000090 000094

000100 000103 000105 000113 000125

000137 000143 000145 000146 000153

000154 000157 000172 000189 000198

000199 000200 000205 000213 000216

000225 000236 000238 000243 000262

000270 000272 000274 000277 000280

000287 000288 000296 000300 000309

000310 000312 000315 000321 000322

000324 000329 000335 000345 000353

000362 000370 000376 000377 000378

000402 000405 000433 000438 000465

000469 000487 000506 000510 000513

000526 000533 000542 000553 000560

000562 000573 000587 000590 000599

000614 000623 000631 000637 000640

000644 000645 000647 000654 000657

000664 000665 000666 000667 000669

000673 000687 000699 000700 000722

000729 000732 000733 000736 000741

000742 000750 000757 000770 000793

000801 000834 000839 000842 000857

000859 000860 000878 000884 000890

000921 000939 000946 000968 000976

000979 000983 000986 000987 001007

001020 001035 001038 001051 001056

001058 001073 001075 001090 001091

001092 001095 001101 001110 001116

001117 001120 001123 001130 001141

001142 001156 001157 001159 001162

001165 001169 001183 001189 001207

001209 001212 001213 001217 001219

001226 001231 001233 001245 001247

001249 001255 001269 001270 001272

001293 001296 001299 001310 001317

001344 001345 001347 001363 001376

001381 001385 001411 001415 001422

001423 001431 001432 001456 001457

001465 001468 001471 001472 001503

001507 001510 001517 001526 001550

001566 001576 001580 001581 001591



001595 001604 001614 001615 001619

001625 001631 001657 001667 001678

001691 001693 001697 001733 001734

001735 001736 001741 001751 001752

001756 001758 001805 001808 001825

001829 001844 001846 001856 001860

001866 001873 001886 001888 001891

001907 001920 001921 001924 001927

001977 002032 002137 002154 002179

002190 002212 002217 002243 002267

002274 002321 002331 002356 002368

002381 002390 002394 002401 002404

002405 002408 002409 002411 002417

002419 002425 002428 002429 002437

002440 002442 002447 002450 002452

002454 002464 002466 002477 002486

002496 002507 002526 002528 002537

002544 002558 002559 002566 002570

002572 002586 002587 002610 002612

002619 002623 002629 002634 002638

002641 002645 002649 002655 002659

002662 002668 002669 002670 002677

002678 002683 002685 002697 002701

002703 002707 002709 002743 002748

002749 002751 002769 002773 002779

002782 002790 002794 002799 002801

002802 002804 002806 002817 002822

002825 002826 002827 002828 002830

002833 002840 002849 002852 002858

002868 002874 002884 002888 002901

002902 002922 002941 002962 002971

002981 002996 003002 003005 003010

003020 003021 003022 003025 003035

003040 003046 003051 003053 003054

003056 003064 003070 003094 003097

003106 003107 003108 003109 003120

003139 003144 003148 003155 003156

003158 003161 003182 003185 003195

003201 003204 003209 003210 003214

003220 003222 003225 003228 003242

003243 003244 003245 003252 003259

003266 003275 003278 003284 003286

003299 003301 003306 003307 003328

003359 003364 003383 003385 003389

003394 003404 003407 003418 003421

003444 003445 003448 003451 003456

003460 003462 003476 003481 003485

003497 003498 003507 003511 003516

003531 003532 003539 003541 003548

003550 003557 003558 003562 003564



003566 003567 003571 003574 003576

003583 003586 003591 003603 003604

003605 003619 003622 003627 003634

003639 003652 003661 003668 003669

003679 003680 003681 003685 003686

003689 003696 003706 003713 003714

003739 003740 003756 003757 003762

003763 003767 003768 003773 003787

003793 003798 003799 003809 003822

003829 003831 003840 003841 003844

003847 003862 003891 003894 003906

003923 003931 003937 003938 003939

003940 003950 003954 003958 003960

003967 003989 003990 003993 003995

004002 004009 004011 004022 004026

004043 004044 004053 004071 004080

004094 004100 004101 004103 004107

004112 004121 004129 004152 004163

004170 004180 004210 004214 004248

004277 004295 004298 004303 004312

004314 004344 004372 004385 004388

004408 004422 004428 004433 004444

004463 004467 004469 004499 004528

004549 004571 004577 004584 004639

004655 004662 004687 004688 004700

004705 004719 004725 004729 004738

004768 004804 004806 004811 004827

004841 004842 004854 004858 004895

004927 004931 004943 004944 004947

004958 004960 004977 004995 005000

005003 005008 005013 005017 005018

005025 005056 005068 005091 005097

005101 005111 005112 005114 005128

005129 005148 005151 005177 005185

005188 005190 005210 005212 005213

005221 005237 005242 005243 005258

005259 005269 005274 005297 005303

005308 005315 005343 005346 005357

005369 005372 005379 005400 005413

005445 005446 005463 005512 005522

005529 005536 005538 005545 005585

005588 005589 005603 005607 005610

005616 005625 005627 005628 005639

005648 005656 005658 005665 005678

005679 005697 005702 005710 005716

005727 005729 005735 005746 005752

005756 005760 005765 005773 005776

005781 005790 005791 005802 005812

005818 005842 005857 005892 005897

005901 005903 005905 005907 005911

005912 005914 005935 005936 005937



005940 005941 005947 005950 005973

005975 005981 005997 005998 006020

006032 006045 006059 006060 006069

006071 006073 006084 006100 006101

006105 006106 006108 006110 006128

006142 006146 006147 006171 006176

006179 006191 006223 006228 006229

006238 006241 006260 006265 006270

006281 006299 006306 006310 006314

006334 006341 006349 006360 006372

006379 006466 006478 006489 006525

006536 006565 006598 006599 006604

006628 006679 006719 006735 006781

006796 006814 006825 006860 006875

006891 006893 006897 006938 006969

006973 006975 007059 007082 007119

007127 007130 007160 007169 007173

007234 007235 007270 007276 007282

007298 007304 007308 007326 007327

007351 007354 007385 007401 007423

007460 007465 007491 007527 007542

007548 007556 007563 007600 007602

007618 007625 007638 007645 007659

007667 007688 007693 007695 007704

007711 007716 007717 007720 007721

007723 007727 007736 007764 007766

007776 007784 007807 007811 007842

007851 007856 007864 007873 007876

007878 007890 007892 007907 007910

007949 007957 007982 008054 008062

008111 008116 008118 008127 008131

008133 008160 008179 008186 008189

008191 008197 008224 008263 008277

008279 008283 008286 008302 008307

008320 008326 008331 008350 008360

008373 008396 008401 008402 008422

008423 008446 008451 008458 008459

008526 008548 008550 008556 008560

008561 008564 008569 008570 008578

008584 008586 008612 008614 008627

008648 008673 008680 008686 008721

008729 008731 008738 008746 008758

008769 008780 008790 008813 008838

008840 008865 008875 008895 008904

008920 008921 008941 008951 008952

008963 008986 009012 009023 009039

009084 009095 009096 009100 009105

009117 009124 009131 009142 009152

009155 009162 009174 009220 009233

009300 009307 009327 009367 009402

009425 009441 009453 009473 009487



009489 009529 009533 009554 009596

009613 009616 009636 009641 009647

009659 009699 009717 009724 009730

009746 009747 009750 009752 009757

009761 009773 009780 009781 009789

009792 009800 009804 009808 009813

009833 009843 009846 009848 009860

009883 009898 009922 009931 009941

009946 009951 009956 009959 009960

009992 010003 010004 010007 010013

010019 010034 010038 010042 010043

010045 010056 010060 010068 010069

010070 010072 010077 010088 010098

010108 010113 010114 010119 010120

010122 010137 010142 010145 010153

010162 010165 010208 010212 010285

010290 010297 010344 010355 010363

010366 010375 010382 010528 010536

010539 010546 010554 010555 010573

010577 010578 010604 010610 010648

010691 010694 010706 010720 010737

010814 010818 010849 010864 010872

010882 010908 010909 010928 010936

010967 011013 011015 011069 011073

011149 011271 011287 011295 011317

011330 011336 011340 011343 011348

011357 011367 011369 011377 011383

011391 011398 011419 011422 011438

011439 011444 011447 011464 011465

011469 011485 011491 011497 011517

011534 011545 011548 011554 011557

011563 011574 011588 011597 011608

( 45.34 )

SC (Female) ( 601 Posts): 000020 000023 000054 000106 000141

000169 000173 000212 000220 000269

000320 000331 000488 000491 000492

000497 000532 000565 000567 000754

000824 000847 000865 000927 000993

001006 001048 001064 001107 001145

001179 001258 001260 001264 001274

001286 001314 001341 001342 001377

001379 001410 001420 001446 001489

001514 001598 001618 001628 001658

001720 001723 001732 001801 001893

002001 002004 002040 002048 002177

002195 002242 002412 002421 002478

002483 002488 002517 002552 002639

002653 002693 002696 002717 002789

002824 002837 002843 002851 002856

002873 002913 002919 002932 002949

002968 002980 003014 003133 003154



003188 003219 003285 003296 003308

003349 003433 003467 003500 003526

003528 003542 003545 003626 003700

003722 003755 003774 003796 003816

003887 003904 003919 003926 003974

003984 004051 004090 004124 004171

004201 004226 004244 004271 004306

004404 004494 004682 004807 004818

004861 004874 004914 004919 005005

005045 005100 005168 005208 005249

005326 005329 005345 005358 005398

005412 005433 005444 005468 005472

005488 005535 005547 005652 005655

005711 005816 005838 005858 005872

005881 005916 006035 006064 006065

006126 006133 006156 006164 006214

006222 006278 006279 006384 006386

006400 006435 006451 006504 006515

006516 006562 006601 006663 006710

006819 006950 006971 007162 007267

007287 007288 007300 007301 007374

007507 007535 007555 007586 007587

007601 007635 007739 007815 007837

007888 007932 008059 008074 008100

008119 008163 008222 008303 008439

008496 008497 008527 008588 008756

008774 008786 008866 008910 008974

008987 009013 009159 009198 009202

009219 009221 009239 009388 009390

009412 009434 009457 009561 009562

009572 009640 009666 009677 009691

009720 009770 009798 009868 009902

009919 010030 010062 010150 010175

010223 010289 010325 010337 010376

010839 010867 010907 011011 011030

011048 011136 011190 011202 011204

011234 011245 011289 011312 011463

011498 011501 ( 42.48 )

BCA ( 947 Posts): 000015 000018 000035 000036 000048

000051 000058 000059 000079 000086

000093 000098 000099 000108 000118

000124 000126 000136 000144 000155

000156 000161 000163 000176 000194

000197 000202 000210 000223 000226

000260 000263 000275 000276 000285

000298 000307 000311 000336 000338

000340 000363 000388 000420 000421

000429 000436 000442 000448 000460

000462 000466 000473 000480 000485

000489 000498 000538 000546 000550

000554 000555 000561 000570 000588



000589 000595 000601 000605 000615

000618 000620 000622 000626 000627

000630 000632 000635 000641 000651

000653 000660 000670 000671 000677

000679 000680 000702 000714 000721

000724 000748 000756 000758 000780

000783 000808 000810 000843 000846

000871 000889 000898 000911 000913

000929 000955 000964 000970 000978

000980 000999 001003 001014 001019

001026 001033 001037 001043 001045

001072 001078 001088 001102 001112

001124 001147 001148 001151 001155

001164 001168 001181 001184 001193

001197 001200 001203 001244 001246

001254 001267 001282 001292 001294

001304 001305 001309 001327 001333

001337 001339 001343 001349 001359

001375 001378 001380 001382 001407

001408 001413 001436 001442 001447

001450 001458 001461 001474 001476

001479 001481 001482 001505 001508

001511 001518 001525 001531 001533

001552 001563 001564 001571 001575

001578 001593 001596 001602 001606

001607 001620 001622 001624 001627

001632 001639 001644 001652 001656

001662 001674 001682 001700 001703

001704 001731 001750 001754 001786

001817 001855 001879 001902 001922

001945 001957 001961 001973 001979

001986 002021 002068 002084 002094

002103 002112 002121 002134 002136

002139 002193 002230 002247 002271

002282 002285 002294 002318 002322

002347 002370 002387 002403 002415

002418 002420 002423 002426 002430

002434 002438 002448 002455 002472

002487 002489 002494 002497 002502

002531 002536 002567 002590 002591

002593 002607 002625 002626 002627

002650 002676 002679 002681 002682

002689 002690 002695 002698 002716

002722 002725 002727 002733 002753

002757 002759 002760 002765 002768

002770 002772 002774 002778 002784

002787 002795 002805 002809 002813

002818 002823 002829 002834 002850

002853 002854 002855 002860 002875

002876 002878 002879 002881 002890

002908 002912 002915 002939 002950



002961 002963 002979 002987 003016

003026 003027 003038 003042 003048

003055 003057 003058 003060 003063

003067 003087 003099 003122 003124

003127 003131 003132 003137 003138

003140 003142 003145 003151 003162

003163 003164 003172 003176 003179

003183 003192 003197 003212 003216

003235 003249 003250 003255 003272

003280 003303 003325 003331 003334

003367 003381 003382 003396 003398

003399 003400 003403 003410 003414

003425 003430 003434 003449 003468

003470 003494 003495 003506 003512

003515 003530 003547 003552 003553

003563 003581 003588 003592 003593

003600 003606 003615 003623 003635

003636 003637 003645 003671 003676

003693 003709 003712 003716 003729

003731 003736 003758 003761 003772

003782 003800 003801 003805 003808

003810 003824 003825 003838 003853

003873 003875 003876 003878 003879

003881 003900 003912 003924 003925

003935 003942 003949 003951 003952

003970 003971 003998 004018 004019

004034 004036 004056 004057 004073

004076 004105 004110 004122 004123

004126 004134 004142 004145 004147

004149 004176 004197 004221 004264

004294 004297 004299 004346 004383

004390 004403 004409 004421 004459

004488 004533 004580 004588 004668

004716 004760 004777 004793 004810

004812 004813 004817 004820 004822

004835 004837 004851 004852 004853

004859 004862 004864 004869 004872

004873 004875 004876 004882 004890

004902 004920 004923 004932 004933

004937 004942 004950 004956 004972

004980 004999 005020 005023 005033

005037 005040 005058 005061 005092

005104 005106 005116 005122 005127

005135 005153 005158 005161 005178

005206 005220 005225 005234 005246

005264 005277 005278 005279 005294

005322 005328 005330 005331 005333

005334 005336 005370 005373 005377

005385 005406 005417 005418 005431

005437 005438 005443 005448 005449

005460 005462 005467 005482 005483



005486 005496 005515 005534 005561

005569 005621 005623 005626 005629

005644 005646 005650 005657 005666

005693 005714 005717 005722 005745

005749 005763 005767 005770 005800

005804 005805 005811 005827 005835

005875 005882 005896 005900 005906

005917 005920 005927 005930 005934

005963 005965 005971 005979 005985

005989 006001 006002 006005 006018

006036 006039 006041 006050 006058

006062 006067 006075 006080 006107

006112 006136 006138 006166 006168

006174 006187 006188 006198 006200

006207 006217 006224 006227 006235

006236 006239 006242 006244 006249

006253 006258 006263 006280 006287

006293 006295 006297 006305 006309

006312 006327 006335 006337 006347

006352 006353 006377 006387 006398

006404 006440 006498 006501 006502

006508 006518 006585 006610 006617

006639 006650 006683 006742 006774

006871 006872 006908 006911 006918

006932 007009 007029 007046 007060

007062 007084 007089 007097 007126

007132 007141 007157 007195 007225

007228 007275 007331 007340 007346

007370 007375 007389 007394 007405

007408 007454 007476 007478 007487

007501 007516 007526 007531 007543

007552 007554 007576 007581 007593

007598 007606 007616 007629 007651

007665 007674 007697 007699 007703

007715 007718 007724 007742 007746

007761 007804 007850 007852 007870

007925 007930 007935 007936 007961

007983 008007 008010 008013 008023

008028 008051 008061 008066 008070

008079 008098 008115 008126 008128

008156 008208 008212 008226 008275

008308 008324 008335 008354 008372

008397 008409 008418 008427 008478

008500 008507 008508 008582 008606

008620 008644 008662 008664 008683

008709 008715 008720 008727 008728

008732 008748 008761 008767 008771

008810 008828 008851 008874 008881

008889 008932 008954 008983 009022

009047 009068 009187 009201 009254



009255 009265 009288 009317 009321

009354 009429 009432 009471 009527

009537 009575 009602 009615 009632

009669 009681 009682 009694 009704

009714 009729 009737 009749 009755

009810 009825 009839 009845 009855

009863 009866 009888 009918 009945

009952 009964 009978 009979 009995

010002 010009 010018 010024 010067

010071 010082 010100 010127 010130

010138 010144 010163 010213 010258

010283 010288 010328 010335 010340

010347 010377 010379 010380 010519

010521 010530 010535 010538 010547

010549 010556 010639 010670 010674

010702 010758 010819 010825 010853

010866 010937 011047 011056 011060

011074 011185 011278 011306 011337

011345 011354 011366 011373 011379

011384 011405 011409 011424 011427

011430 011431 011434 011440 011467

011472 011475 011476 011490 011495

011509 011535 011536 011539 011558

011566 011570 011585 011587 011601

011631 011646 ( 52.02 )

Waiting : 000013 000065 000232 000342 000360

000387 000422 000437 000493 000511

000604 000646 000734 000782 000887

001121 001186 001295 001312 001323

001516 001529 001548 001743 001802

001916 001923 002150 002379 002465

002534 002547 002556 002580 002608

002657 002758 002767 002820 003015

003018 003030 003165 003230 003353

003416 003471 003609 003682 003704

003730 003850 003929 003964 004093

004198 004249 004663 004751 005026

005077 005152 005316 005423 005614

005631 005672 005759 005774 006049

006237 006256 006313 006319 006326

006368 006588 006646 006685 007134

007193 007398 007670 007951 008328

008805 009408 009590 009716 010061

010112 010654 011381 011489 011582

( 49.05 )

BCA (Female)(460 Posts): 000014 000017 000037 000074 000085

000092 000101 000159 000179 000182

000215 000219 000222 000224 000231

000235 000240 000242 000256 000257

000258 000261 000319 000339 000382



000396 000419 000424 000440 000452

000509 000514 000524 000540 000575

000612 000613 000638 000642 000668

000705 000708 000712 000740 000749

000784 000785 000788 000818 000855

000858 000862 000876 000885 000922

000931 000936 000957 000960 000991

001018 001032 001080 001089 001100

001131 001154 001170 001227 001253

001275 001311 001315 001384 001441

001455 001513 001537 001574 001577

001584 001594 001599 001660 001666

001669 001688 001701 001727 001738

001799 001826 001832 001850 001905

001917 001925 001932 001938 001969

002022 002041 002049 002083 002086

002113 002198 002269 002329 002334

002391 002435 002451 002506 002516

002527 002574 002614 002615 002630

002646 002651 002684 002688 002694

002705 002742 002744 002745 002781

002811 002835 002845 002862 002883

002900 002906 002924 002957 002964

002983 002986 002997 003001 003008

003023 003031 003039 003044 003045

003061 003084 003129 003168 003181

003190 003193 003196 003198 003199

003262 003291 003313 003320 003322

003330 003332 003354 003429 003443

003454 003473 003486 003487 003489

003491 003496 003504 003514 003551

003555 003579 003617 003620 003640

003656 003662 003674 003683 003694

003699 003718 003720 003776 003779

003821 003835 003851 003857 003874

003903 003915 003922 003983 004000

004012 004013 004015 004021 004037

004039 004074 004077 004079 004089

004108 004216 004289 004327 004351

004402 004412 004418 004448 004480

004531 004560 004622 004632 004709

004730 004734 004761 004781 004848

004865 004866 004867 004891 004909

004953 004975 004976 004987 005055

005084 005085 005102 005171 005176

005197 005271 005313 005335 005355

005384 005405 005419 005425 005553

005562 005565 005591 005608 005636

005683 005685 005690 005737 005761

005788 005792 005821 005834 005843

005849 005852 005885 005893 005909



005925 005944 005961 005974 005978

005980 005984 005993 006037 006048

006068 006074 006086 006091 006094

006120 006139 006152 006177 006183

006189 006193 006208 006215 006225

006246 006269 006282 006285 006291

006294 006324 006331 006332 006361

006382 006408 006418 006579 006594

006668 006731 006919 006989 006997

007036 007120 007159 007167 007212

007220 007264 007290 007320 007372

007390 007392 007428 007433 007451

007490 007515 007521 007522 007532

007564 007571 007589 007592 007594

007596 007613 007640 007709 007713

007734 007803 007846 007893 007895

007917 007933 008003 008018 008073

008085 008130 008172 008207 008215

008218 008246 008266 008282 008285

008315 008329 008352 008374 008413

008440 008452 008519 008616 008636

008640 008663 008677 008703 008772

008779 008783 008787 008830 008852

008882 008884 008913 008985 009024

009028 009057 009067 009101 009115

009119 009166 009190 009285 009292

009361 009396 009400 009420 009451

009701 009736 009826 009830 009896

009907 009927 009957 009977 010040

010059 010097 010202 010207 010245

010293 010302 010304 010360 010558

010560 010567 010625 010640 010686

010704 010710 010725 010754 010843

010848 011012 011316 011332 011350

011371 011450 011462 011503 011529

011568 011576 011583 011614 011644

( 50.01 )

BCB ( 671 Posts): 000009 000043 000076 000081 000115

000138 000162 000175 000181 000187

000206 000229 000237 000245 000248

000291 000349 000356 000371 000386

000391 000425 000435 000444 000478

000484 000486 000504 000515 000535

000571 000597 000603 000634 000649

000697 000707 000716 000719 000720

000726 000730 000771 000792 000817

000836 000869 000870 000880 000896

000924 000944 000948 001000 001052

001054 001055 001068 001099 001119

001128 001133 001160 001230 001241



001289 001303 001307 001321 001334

001365 001387 001395 001402 001404

001421 001430 001445 001495 001532

001535 001560 001597 001610 001661

001663 001686 001692 001730 001757

001771 001781 001796 001845 001894

001929 001930 001934 001970 001976

002026 002053 002055 002148 002153

002191 002340 002397 002422 002443

002444 002473 002474 002481 002490

002522 002525 002546 002557 002622

002643 002691 002711 002720 002729

002775 002798 002808 002812 002910

002921 002926 002928 002938 002982

002988 002992 002995 003080 003086

003118 003187 003211 003215 003217

003229 003232 003233 003241 003261

003283 003292 003297 003304 003338

003348 003374 003375 003402 003412

003423 003428 003441 003479 003518

003519 003536 003561 003597 003630

003644 003646 003666 003733 003745

003746 003748 003752 003770 003788

003834 003836 003883 003898 003910

003913 003957 003961 003972 003976

004041 004046 004068 004311 004313

004399 004430 004454 004478 004569

004593 004620 004713 004737 004766

004847 004903 004934 004940 004941

004957 004992 005113 005175 005196

005207 005241 005408 005421 005451

005487 005490 005541 005581 005617

005620 005637 005682 005739 005750

005798 005864 005871 005880 005904

006089 006093 006114 006131 006160

006181 006186 006259 006363 006415

006523 006841 006881 006977 007208

007209 007213 007214 007216 007219

007237 007255 007258 007260 007262

007269 007272 007279 007281 007283

007284 007297 007306 007310 007311

007314 007334 007358 007373 007377

007383 007395 007417 007425 007426

007430 007446 007455 007481 007485

007486 007492 007499 007505 007509

007511 007513 007514 007525 007530

007538 007539 007541 007544 007553

007562 007575 007579 007583 007584

007588 007608 007621 007622 007626

007637 007660 007669 007678 007681

007684 007725 007737 007744 007778



007794 007799 007832 007844 007848

007877 007879 007887 007891 007897

007977 007984 008027 008040 008041

008045 008052 008053 008077 008089

008147 008149 008161 008162 008173

008180 008201 008205 008300 008323

008368 008376 008377 008388 008389

008398 008408 008426 008430 008443

008469 008481 008485 008492 008503

008514 008532 008533 008534 008535

008557 008581 008591 008628 008629

008632 008641 008660 008666 008670

008685 008692 008701 008705 008707

008718 008722 008723 008730 008739

008778 008789 008808 008811 008821

008832 008845 008853 008880 008893

008900 008901 008907 008909 008915

008944 008945 008946 008958 008960

008962 008964 008970 008977 008984

009005 009010 009048 009064 009065

009091 009097 009103 009110 009111

009113 009116 009122 009125 009132

009139 009151 009158 009168 009177

009182 009191 009197 009215 009235

009251 009328 009331 009338 009340

009341 009342 009364 009372 009385

009404 009413 009418 009436 009442

009455 009456 009488 009499 009517

009534 009543 009550 009567 009571

009574 009576 009586 009601 009603

009604 009607 009619 009620 009621

009626 009629 009631 009635 009637

009638 009648 009650 009657 009672

009673 009679 009684 009695 009696

009702 009708 009709 009713 009715

009731 009742 009758 009763 009764

009765 009766 009767 009768 009786

009791 009793 009794 009795 009797

009799 009802 009807 009809 009812

009815 009817 009820 009822 009829

009838 009840 009851 009853 009859

009861 009869 009872 009880 009882

009890 009892 009894 009905 009906

009911 009914 009939 009953 009958

009963 009973 009981 009987 009989

009994 009997 009998 010006 010012

010015 010025 010029 010046 010049

010055 010057 010058 010063 010065

010066 010074 010078 010084 010090

010093 010095 010096 010099 010104



010107 010115 010135 010140 010143

010148 010149 010157 010158 010166

010169 010170 010173 010177 010179

010197 010201 010203 010218 010238

010254 010273 010275 010278 010284

010314 010321 010339 010342 010354

010357 010364 010372 010532 010533

010537 010541 010542 010543 010544

010545 010550 010553 010562 010563

010564 010575 010579 010580 010590

010594 010624 010644 010671 010672

010705 010707 010813 010837 010838

010887 010891 010906 010916 010918

010931 010939 010940 011001 011017

011027 011034 011042 011057 011198

011226 011251 011326 011397 011412

011429 011432 011433 011435 011436

011446 011457 011458 011459 011461

011468 011471 011479 011481 011483

011486 011537 011540 011555 011562

011577 ( 52.00 )

Waiting : 000416 000656 000685 000830 001215

001228 001466 001499 001947 002161

002967 003007 003510 003537 003595

003905 003979 004047 004236 004317

004339 004816 005228 006096 006180

006231 006266 007653 007671 007958

008032 008055 008255 008435 008470

008505 008689 008894 008967 009259

009278 009299 009306 009783 009821

009893 009910 009915 009948 009954

010001 010017 010081 010102 010124

010160 010168 010172 010180 010348

010361 010362 010384 010527 010605

010764 011448 ( 49.02 )

BCB (Female)(330 Posts): 000004 000095 000129 000132 000134

000158 000250 000255 000264 000289

000301 000343 000350 000380 000412

000451 000474 000501 000584 000652

000659 000686 000725 000735 000851

000873 000914 000956 001022 001023

001042 001063 001065 001118 001158

001243 001287 001291 001352 001412

001416 001444 001485 001520 001523

001583 001589 001617 001677 001695

001744 001755 001798 001841 001928

001955 002008 002025 002059 002320

002338 002344 002383 002393 002642



002777 002867 002916 002935 003003

003062 003068 003337 003373 003380

003469 003580 003584 003589 003608

003625 003754 003794 003917 003943

003956 004031 004316 004508 004512

004550 005103 005146 005262 005347

005349 005505 006019 006070 006162

006330 006364 006393 006637 007236

007240 007245 007251 007257 007263

007278 007295 007307 007324 007330

007337 007362 007363 007365 007379

007380 007396 007422 007447 007449

007452 007453 007459 007500 007503

007508 007551 007560 007572 007627

007644 007652 007655 007662 007676

007680 007685 007722 007726 007745

007754 007755 007772 007802 007823

007839 007853 007859 007969 007994

008020 008043 008046 008058 008060

008069 008072 008091 008123 008194

008216 008230 008233 008234 008241

008264 008280 008281 008288 008316

008321 008341 008343 008369 008393

008395 008404 008424 008445 008462

008464 008466 008473 008475 008476

008568 008579 008587 008737 008740

008741 008744 008775 008800 008815

008871 008912 008936 008957 008959

008978 008996 008998 009000 009002

009008 009054 009093 009106 009112

009114 009123 009140 009141 009143

009147 009149 009153 009154 009160

009180 009214 009222 009244 009291

009309 009330 009337 009348 009358

009416 009446 009450 009466 009479

009483 009521 009551 009553 009558

009612 009623 009639 009643 009645

009656 009683 009690 009698 009705

009721 009722 009733 009774 009776

009788 009796 009806 009811 009816

009824 009831 009834 009849 009875

009884 009891 009895 009908 009921

009928 009940 009968 010041 010044

010048 010080 010109 010121 010131

010132 010146 010159 010176 010194

010196 010269 010287 010315 010318

010323 010334 010345 010351 010352

010373 010523 010525 010534 010540

010570 010582 010647 010676 010680

010688 010716 010740 010744 010811



010875 011026 011054 011228 011269

011294 011315 011331 011407 011470

011478 011544 011547A 011573 011580

( 50.00 )

Waiting : 000030 000218 000551 001008 001093

001716 001776 002543 002923 003290

004228 005226 007246 007286 007550

007566 007648 008113 008287 008342

008421 008468 008558 009121 009136

009249 009528 009614 009712 009943

010139 010210 010642 ( 49.16 )

ESM-GEN ( 223 Posts): 000040 000046 000064 000149 000347

000395 000439 000549 000583 000678

000711 000768 000799 000852 000897

000981 001202 001263 001279 001326

001391 001429 001477 001590 001623

001630 001742 001815 001838 001863

001996 002045 002076 002114 002175

002295 002367 002377 002568 002624

002869 003110 003345 003458 003607

004025 004054 004352 004368 004585

004887 005002 005036 005332 005504

005551 005564 005640 006486 006543

006846 006924 006966 007073 007199

007230 007243 007256 007343 007347

007359 007369 007438 007540 007619

007698 007757 007819 007830 007943

007950 007972 008029 008092 008221

008269 008305 008327 008362 008411

008482 008528 008577 008657 008700

008745 008842 008887 008902 008948

008966 009015 009035 009038 009082

009107 009144 009161 009167 009262

009593 009597 009609 009688 009725

009735 009785 010064 010322 010386

010520 010597 010629 010634 010643

010663 010687 011009 011058 011513

011595 011612 ( 33.99 )

ESM-GEN(Female)(102 Posts): 002126 004102 006738 007329 009283

010171 011213 011589 ( 45.03 )

ESM-SC ( 92 Posts): 005846 011360 ( 36.78 )

ESM-BCA ( 71 Posts): 001897 003422 005969 006088 006095

006643 009333 009497 ( 40.56 )



ESM-BCA (Female)( 33 Posts):009497 ( 49.70 )

ESM-BCB ( 53 Posts): 003074 007253 007339 007376 007845

008000 008155 008237 008516 008937

009150 009245 009373 009655 009999

010531 011305 ( 39.27 )

ESM-BCB(Female)(22 Posts):010005 ( 49.38 )

OSP-GEN ( 29 Posts): 000557 001259 001694 001881 002844

002866 003360 005057 005217 005314

005611 005692 006140 006275 006340

006432 006955 007138 007609 008420

008460 009170 009217 009399 010086

011380 011541 011552 011655 ( 53.39 )

OSP-GEN(Female)(14 Posts) 002280 002647 003121 006118 006197

006906 007026 007242 007894 008735

009146 010693 011155 011637 ( 40.04 )

OSP-SC ( 15 Posts): 010821 ( 46.58 )

OSP-BCA ( 12 Posts): 002976 004490 005860 006545 006546

006550 006580 006583 006665 006697

006709 006942 ( 42.93 )

OSP-BCA(Female)(02 Posts)001683 005299 ( 44.41)

OSP-BCB ( 08 Posts): 000820 000963 003455 007769 007906

008425 009966 010155 ( 51.25 )

PHC(ORTHO)(412): 000082 000091 000174 000209 000305

000334 000352 000357 000392 000457

000619 000693 000779 000805 000879

000881 000888 000937 000954 001134

001198 001322 001588 001768 001821

001868 001890 001901 001909 001933

001950 002006 002062 002074 002116

002156 002204 002246 002386 002388

002441 002498 002500 002602 002611

002673 002776 002785 002792 002821

002895 002930 002972 003004 003047

003113 003123 003160 003247 003253

003298 003327 003352 003459 003513

003533 003590 003632 003672 003727

003815 003930 003986 004020 004091

004106 004144 004158 004256 004265

004417 004504 004558 004595 004612

004623 004684 004912 004989 005035



005043 005049 005075 005108 005138

005164 005267 005466 005471 005544

005560 005670 005718 005738 005741

005764 005832 005921 005942 005983

006046 006054 006153 006178 006230

006436 006558 006678 006799 006929

006983 007049 007179 007184 007445

007567 007628 007694 007705 007788

007796 007944 007946 007971 007992

008036 008227 008313 008365 008390

008394 008449 008472 008477 008529

008530 008555 008600 008609 008672

008682 008759 008803 008820 008860

008988 009189 009211 009234 009411

009447 009474 009480 009523 009583

009628 009706 009751 009803 009818

009889 009971 009991 010079 010198

010338 010656 010861 010870 010896

010902 011291 011325 011347 011426

011502 011515 011519 011600 ( 38.78)

PHC(ORTHO)(F)(193): 000185 000278 001083 001097 001238

002286 002628 003034 003616 003941

004084 004104 005709 006184 006405

006759 006793 007048 007488 008188

008265 008836 009052 009858 010665

010912 ( 41.64 )

The selection of U.E.I. (Panchmari) under ESM category will be subject to decision of LPA of

the State.


The criteria adopted by the Commission for making selection is given below:-

1) Academic marks. …………………………………….60-Marks

2) Marks obtained in the Viva-Voce out of……………..30-Marks

Total: 90-Marks

The un-selected candidates in the above mentioned result, who wish to know the marks

secured by them, may apply on plain paper to the undersigned within one month from the date of

publication of this result. Such candidates will have to deposit a fee of Rs. 100/--only in the

Haryana Government Treasury in the Head 0051-HPSC (103)-SSC-Fee and other receipts. A self

addressed and duly stamped envelope should be accompanied with the request. The marks will be

intimated to such candidates within one month thereafter.

While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent errors

cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.

Dated, Panchkula Secretary,

16-09-2010 Haryana Staff Selection Commission


NOTE: The above result is also available on the website not responsible for any error please confirm from official gudgetier