Applications are invited for the empanelment of guest faculty for Govt.
Schools of Union Territory, Chandigarh for the following posts for a period upto
31.3.2011 :
Vacancy Positions of Lecturers Subject Wise
Sr. NO. Subject No. of Posts
a. Biology 03
b. Chemistry 08
c. Commerce 06
d. Economics 12
e. English 21
f. Fine Arts 02
g. Geography 03
h. H.Science 03
i. Hindi 06
j. History 10
k. Maths 09
l. Music(V) 02
m. Phy.Education 05
n. Physics 08
o. Political Science 07
p. Psychology 02
q. Punjabi 03
r. Sociology 01
s. Sanskrit 01
Total Posts 112
2. TGT Punjabi 022
3. JBT 250
4. NTT 03
Note:-The number of posts may increase or decrease as per requirement.
The eligibility criteria for applying for these posts are same as per regular
recruitment for the above posts.
The objective criteria for selection for the above posts are available on the
official website of Education Department, Chandigarh Administration i.e. and are a part of the proforma to be filled.
The subject-wise break-up of posts in the cadre of Lectures is also
available on the website. Candidates are required to access the Recruitment Rules /
Criteria of selection, fees payable, downloadable application performa which the
candidate shall have to fill and submit while applying and other relevant information at
the website given above.
For each category, a separate form is to be submitted at venue as below
on 11/72010 between 9. a.m. to 4 p.m.
1. Lecturers -Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-16
2. TGT Punjabi -Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-16
3. JBT / NTT -Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-10
The candidates shall attach self attested copies of relevant documents with
application performa and also bring original documents for verification including
experience as guest faculty in schools of Chandigarh Administration. In case original
certificate is not produced the claim shall not be considered and no extra time for
production of original certificate shall be given. The salaries for these post shall be as
Sr. No. Category Revised Emoluments
1. JBT / NTT Teachers Rs.140/- per period subject to maximum
of Rs.13,000/- per month;
2. Masters / Mistresses
(TGT Punjabi)
Rs.160/- per period subject to maximum
of Rs.15,000/- per month;
3. Lecturers (PGT’s) Rs.180/- per period subject to a limit of
This panel shall be valid upto 31.3.2011 and shall not be extended under
any circumstances as these posts are going to be filled by regular recruitment in due
Eligibility criteria for application as per recruitment rules.
1. Lecturers:
AGE FOR DIRECT RECRUITS Educational & Other Qualifications Required For Direct Recruits
21 to 35 years, Upper age
relaxable for SC/ST, OBC, Govt.
servants & etc. as per instructions
issued by Chandigarh
Administration from time to
. (i) Postgraduate degree in the relevant subject with at least 50% marks in
aggregate from a recognized university and
(ii) B.T./Bachelor of Education Degree/ Shiksha Shastri (OT Skt.) recognized by
NCTE with at least 50% marks in aggregate or its equivalent with relevant
teaching subject
.Two years integrated M.Sc.Ed. Course or an equivalent course for Lecturers in
relevant Science subjects with at least 50% marks in aggregate
. (i) MA in Physical Education with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a
recognized University and
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by NCTE with at least 50% marks
in aggregate or its equivalent
Master in Physical Education (MPEd) from a recognized university with at
least 50% marks in aggregate
Masters in Fine Arts (MFA) or its equivalent with at least 50% marks in
aggregate from a recognized university
. (i) MA in Fine Arts or its equivalent with at least 50% marks in aggregate
from a recognized university
(ii) Bachelor of Education Degree recognized by NCTE with at least 50% marks
in aggregate or its equivalent with Fine Arts as a teaching subject.”
2. Master/Mistress (TGT Punjabi) :
21 to 30 years, Upper age relaxable for SC/ST, OBC,
Govt. servants & etc. as per instructions issued by
Chandigarh Administration from time to time.
(i) Graduate or its equivalent from a recognized
university with Punjabi as an elective subject
with at least 50% marks in aggregate and
(ii) Bachelor of Education degree recognized by
NCTE with at least 50% marks in aggregate or
its equivalent with Punjabi as a teaching subject
3. JBT:
18-27 years, Upper age relaxable for SC/ST, OBC, Govt. servants &
etc. as per instructions issued by Chandigarh Administration from
time to time.
(i) Graduate or its equivalent from a
recognized university, with at least 40%
marks and at least 50% marks at 10+2
or its equivalent.
(ii) Diploma or certificate in Basic
Teachers Training of not less than 2
years duration recognized by NCTE,
with at least 50% marks in aggregate
JBT Certificate/Diploma of not less
than 2 years duration with at least 50%
marks recognized by Rehabilitation
Council of India
4. Nursery Teachers(NTT):
18-27 years, Upper age relaxable for SC/ST, OBC, Govt. servants &
etc. as per instructions issued by Chandigarh Administration from
time to time.
. (i) Senior Sec. School Certificate (10
+ 2) or Intermediate or its equivalent
with at least 50% marks in aggregate
(ii) Diploma or Certificate in NTT or
its equivalent recognized by NCTE of
not less than 2 years duration with at
least 50% marks
(i) Sr. Sec. School Certificate (10 +
2) or Intermediate or its equivalent with
at least 50% marks in aggregate and
(ii) NTT Certificate/Diploma of not less
than 2 years duration with at least 50%
marks recognized by the Chd. Admn.
The age is relaxable for SC/ST as 5 years. For women as 5 years and for
OBC 3 years.
Fees shall be paid in cash at the submission of application form and for
each application form submitted fees shall be paid separately .
Fees Rs. 200/- General Candidate
Rs. 100/- For SC/ST
Self filled proforma to be submitted at the time of submission. The
proforma category wise are given no next page.
Paste recent
Application for the Lecturer Guest Faculty upto 31-03-2011
Application for the post …………………..……………………………….. (Subject)
Name : …………………………………………………
Fathers/ Husbands Name : …………………………………………………
Address : …………………………………………………
Mobile No./Landline : …………………………………………………
with STD Code
D.O.B. : …………………………………………………
Category : …………………………………………………
Age as on 01/01/2010 : ……….Years………….Months…………Days
Details of marks claimed Attach Self-Attested photo copy of certificate in support of the
claim and original for verification be produce on submission.
Criteria of Selection:-LECTURERS:
Post Graduation in Weightage out of 20 marks Marks
relevant subject 1/5 of aggregate percentage (write marks claimed)
B.Ed. Weightage out of 10 marks =
1/10 of aggregate percentage
Integrated Course Weightage out of =
30 marks 3/10 of aggregate percentage
Additional Higher qualification Weightage out of 5 marks =
In the relevant subject 1/20 of aggregate percentage
Weightage out of 5 marks =
1/20 of aggregate percentage
Experience > 6 months per 5 marks per relevant year.
year as guest faculty in school
Education Department i.e.
Total out of Maximum Marks 50
Total Marks Claimed =
(Add the above marks)
Date: Signature of Candidate
Place: _____
Verified by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
Data Entry by: ____________
01/07/2008 to 31/05/2009 =
01/07/2009 to 31/05/2010 =
Application for the TGT Punjabi Guest Faculty upto 31-03-2011
Paste recent
NAME OF POST Photograph
Application for the post …………………..……………………………….. (Subject)
Name : …………………………………………………
Fathers/ Husbands Name : …………………………………………………
Address : …………………………………………………
Mobile No./Landline : …………………………………………………
with STD Code
D.O.B. : …………………………………………………
Category : …………………………………………………
Age as on 01/01/2010 : ……….Years………….Months…………Days
Details of marks claimed Attach Self-Attested photo copy of certificate in support of the
claim and original for verification be produce on submission.
Criteria of Selection:-TGT PUNJABI
Graduation Weightage out of 20 marks Marks
1/5 of aggregate percentage (write marks claimed)
B.Ed. Weightage out of 10 marks
1/10 of aggregate percentage =
M.A Punjabi
Weightage out of 5 marks
1/20 of aggregate percentage =
Weightage out of 5 marks
1/20 of aggregate percentage =
Experience > 6 months per 5 marks per relevant year.
year as guest faculty in school
Education Department i.e.
01/07/2008 to 31/05/2009 =
01/07/2009 to 31/05/2010 =
Total out of Maximum Marks 50 Total Marks Claimed =
(Add the above marks)
Date: Signature of Candidate
Place: _____
Verified by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
Data Entry by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
Application for the JBT Guest Faculty upto 31-03-2011
Paste recent
Application for the post …………………..………………………… (Subject)
Name : …………………………………………………
Fathers/ Husbands Name : …………………………………………………
Address : …………………………………………………
Mobile No./Landline : …………………………………………………
with STD Code
D.O.B. : …………………………………………………
Category : …………………………………………………
Age as on 01/01/2010 : ……….Years………….Months…………Days
Details of marks claimed Attach Self-Attested photo copy of certificate in support of the
claim and original for verification be produce on submission.
Criteria of Selection:-JBT
Weightage out of 20 marks Marks =
1/5 of aggregate percentage (write marks claimed)
Weightage out of 10 marks
1/10 of aggregate percentage =
Post Graduation
Weightage out of 10 marks
1/10 of aggregate percentage =
Experience > 6 months per 5 marks per relevant year.
year as guest faculty in school
Education Department i.e.
Total out of Maximum Marks 50
Total Marks Claimed =
(Add the above marks)
Date: Signature of Candidate
Place: _____
Verified by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
Data Entry by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
01/07/2008 to 31/05/2009 =
01/07/2009 to 31/05/2010 =
Paste recent
Application for the NTT Guest Faculty upto 31-03-2011
Application for the post …………………..……………………………….. (Subject)
Name : …………………………………………………
Fathers/ Husbands Name : …………………………………………………
Address : …………………………………………………
Mobile No./Landline : …………………………………………………
with STD Code
D.O.B. : …………………………………………………
Category : …………………………………………………
Age as on 01/01/2010 : ……….Years………….Months…………Days
Details of marks claimed Attach Self-Attested photo copy of certificate in support of the
claim and original for verification be produce on submission.
Criteria of Selection:- NTT
Weightage out of 20 marks Marks =
1/5 of aggregate percentage (write marks claimed)
Weightage out of 10 marks
1/10 of aggregate percentage =
Weightage out of 5 marks
1/20 of aggregate percentage =
Post Graduation
Weightage out of 5 marks
1/20 of aggregate percentage =
Experience > 6 months per 5 marks per relevant year.
year as guest faculty in school
Education Department i.e.
Total out of Maximum Marks 50
Total Marks Claimed =
(Add the above marks)
Date: Signature of Candidate
Place: _____
Verified by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
Data Entry by: ____________ ____________
(Name) (Signature)
01/07/2008 to 31/05/2009 =
01/07/2009 to 31/05/2010 =